WWW Version
911, Lifeline CMRS service charge, abolishment of - HB 559
Alcoholic beverage sales, local government regulatory license fee, expansion of - SB 110: HFA (1); HB 267
Attorney's fees, violation of building code - SB 207
Blow drying services, cosmetologist board fees for licensure - SB 106
Cabinet for Health and Family Services, establishing - HB 327; HB 327: HFA (1)
Casino gaming, licensing fees for - HB 41
- testing, procedures and fees for retesting - HB 606
- testing, procedures and fees for retesting, medical excuse for missed test - HB 606: HFA (1), HFA (2)
DNA, sample collection at arraignment, requiring - SB 84; HB 178
Electric utilities, limit basic service charge - HB 227: HFA (27), HFA (28)
Expungement filing fee, allocation of - SB 171
Fee disclosure posting by ambulance providers, require - HB 176; HB 176: HCA (1)
Filing fee, application for felony expungement, reduce to $200 - SB 185; HB 377
Hybrid and electric vehicles, highway usage fee - HB 45; HB 609
Insurance surcharge used to pay for KLEFPF and KFFPF, restricting adjustment of - HB 144
- Board of Barbering, to set in administrative regulations - HB 260
- Board of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists, to set in administrative regulations - HB 260
License ambulance providers, publication of fees on internet - HB 176: HFA (1)
Local regulatory license fee, alcoholic beverages, prohibition on - HB 82
Medical records, amount for reproduction - SB 20
Mileage-based vehicle fee, Mileage-Based Transportation Funding Task Force, development of - HCR 18
- vehicle registration, renewal, and reinstatement, set county clerk fees - SB 127
- vehicle registration, renewal, and reinstatement, set fees - SB 127
Rural growth fund, application for - HB 6; HB 6: SCS, SFA (10), SFA (11)
- safety certification, licensing fee for - HB 554
- transportation funding fee, impose on the sale of fuel - HB 211
Sports wagering, licensing fees for - SB 22; HB 536
Supplemental transporter's license, $100 fee - HB 82
Utility assessments, credit to the account of the Public Service Commission - SB 128