Information Technology
WWW Version
Advertising, sex trafficking, advocate for change in federal law - HCR 93; HCR 93: HCS; HR 94; SR 104; SCR 105
Broadband Internet service, electric cooperatives, infrastructure for - SB 125
Capital projects, definition of, increase in minimum amount - SB 86: SCS
Cellular phone numbers, unauthorized release for commercial purposes, prohibition of - HB 59; HB 59: HCS
- pornography, public health issue - SR 170; HR 194
- service providers, Kentucky Model Procurement Act, Consumer Protection Act - HB 418
- service providers, personally identifiable information, restriction on availability - SB 11; HB 332
KentuckyWired contracts, prohibition of paid prioritization - SB 195; HB 414
KentuckyWired, urge investigation of - HR 337
Publication of licensed ambulance provider fees on internet, requirements - HB 176: HFA (1)
- Facility Damage Prevention Act of 1994, amending of, mandatory membership - SB 117: SCS
- Facility Damage Prevention Act of 1994, amending of, nonmembers' rights to damages - SB 117
Weapons offense registry, establishment of - HB 410