Certificate of need, elimination of - HB 85

Children's Health Insurance Program, urging reauthorization of - SCR 106

Cost sharing, definition of - HB 463

Covered services, infertility, prohibited denial for - HB 493

electronic prior authorization, standards, establishing - SB 143

Gender neutral language, including - HB 485

Hormonal contraceptive, twelve-month supply, dispensing of - HB 249

Incentive program, comparable health care service, requiring - SB 154; SB 154: SCS

Infertility treatment, insurance coverage, requirement of - HB 493

Insurer, assumption of charges, requirements for - HB 135; SB 261; HB 395

Interactive mechanism, price transparency, establishing - SB 154; SB 154: SCS

Kentucky Office of Health Benefit Exchange, create - SB 132

Nonparticipating providers, nonemergency services, coverage for - SB 154; SB 154: SCS

Participating provider agreement, voiding provisions of - HB 582

Pharmacists, gag clauses, prohibition against - HB 463

Plan years 2019 and 2020, allow dependent subsidy, KTRS - SB 197: HFA (1)

Prescription drug coverage, payment required, limitation of - HB 463

Prior authorization, time frame, requirements of - SB 143

State/Executive Branch Budget, amendment of - HB 265: SCS

Telehealth, requiring coverage of - HB 12; SB 112; SB 112: HFA (1), HFA (2), SCS, SFA (1), SFA (2)

Urgent health care services, prior authorization, time frame, establishment of - SB 143

Utilization review, licensed Kentucky provider, requiring - SB 143