WWW Version
Attorney General, Executive Order AG 17-01, confirming - HB 441
- for Economic Development, Resolution 17-04, Kentucky Economic Development Partnership - HB 305
- for Health and Family Services, Division of Child Care, establish in a new executive cabinet - HB 342
- for Health and Family Services, Executive Order 2017-269 - SB 132
- for Health and Family Services, Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service - SB 132: HCS
Charter School Advisory Council, Executive Order 2017-364 - HB 108: SCS; SB 257
- Council on Developmental Disabilities, relocate in the Department of the Treasury - SB 126
- Office of Technology, Executive Order 2017-0889 - HB 244
Council on Postsecondary Education, Executive Order 2017-364 - HB 108: SCS; SB 257
- of Agriculture, reorganization of - HB 146
- of Education, Executive Order 2017-496 - HB 591
- of Revenue, Executive Order 2017-0889 - HB 244
- and Workforce Development Cabinet, Division of Child Care, establish - HB 342
- Professional Standards Board, Executive Order 2017-364 - HB 108: SCS; SB 257
- and Environment Cabinet, Labor Cabinet, and Public Protection Cabinet, reorganization of - HB 264
- and Environment Cabinet, reorganization of - SB 129
- and Environment, Public Protection, and Labor Cabinets - HB 264
Finance and Administration Cabinet, Executive Order 2017-0889 - HB 244
- and Public Safety Cabinet, Department of Corrections, Executive Order 2017-268 - HB 429
- and Public Safety Cabinet, Department of Corrections, Executive Order 2017-749 - HB 430
- and Public Safety Cabinet, Department of Juvenile Justice, Executive Order 2017-599 - HB 431
- 911 Services Board, reorganization of - HB 361
- Board of Education, Executive Order 2017-364 - HB 108: SCS; SB 257
- Milk Commission, abolishment of, confirm Executive Order 2017-0715 - HB 108: SFA (2)
Make technical corrections for - HB 305: HCS
Milk for manufacturing advisory board, abolishment of, confirm Executive Order 2017-0715 - HB 108: SFA (2)
Office of Capital Plaza Operations, Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet, Executive Order 2017-0888 - SB 138
Omnibus administrative revision relating to numerous occupations and professions - HB 465
- Protection Cabinet, Office of Administrative Hearings, establish - HB 302; HB 302: SCS, SFA (1)
- Protection Cabinet, Professional Licensing Legal Division, establish - HB 302; HB 302: SCS, SFA (1)
Reading Diagnostic and Intervention Grant Steering Committee, Executive Order 2017-364 - HB 108: SCS; SB 257
Secretary of State's office, Executive Order 2017-01 - HB 251
- Advisory Council for Exceptional Children, Executive Order 2017-364 - HB 108: SCS; SB 257
- Advisory Council for Gifted and Talented Education, Executive Order 2017-364 - HB 108: SCS; SB 257
Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet, Executive Order 2017-732 - SB 211; SB 211: HCS
Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship, Executive Order 2017-434 - SB 231