Retirement and Pensions
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- gaming, allocation in support of - HB 42
- gaming, allow, funding for - HB 229; SB 241
- gaming, revenue generated by - HB 41
Cities, obligations - SB 88: SFA (1)
City pensions - SB 92
- Employees Retirement System, phase-in to full actuarially required contribution rate - SB 66: SCS; HB 362: SCS; HB 406
- Employees Retirement System, separate administration from Kentucky Retirement Systems - HB 539
Employer contributions - HB 487: SCS
General Assembly, retirement benefits for legislators after 01/01/2019, elimination of - HB 440
- Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provisions, Social Security - HR 11
- Pension Offset, Social Security Act - HCR 6
Israel, investments in companies boycotting, prohibition - HB 298
- Employees Retirement System, election to participate, gender-neutral language - SB 66
- Retirement Systems, agency cessation of participation - SB 66: SCS; HB 362: SCS
- Retirement Systems, board elections, electronic ballots for - SB 113: HCS, HFA (1), HFA (11)
- Retirement Systems Board of Trustees, confirmation, David Michael Gallagher - SR 281
- Retirement Systems Board of Trustees, confirmation, James Fulkerson - SR 283
- Retirement Systems Board of Trustees, confirmation, Matthew L. Monteiro - SR 282
- Retirement Systems Board of Trustees, confirmation, Patrick Kelly Downard - SR 280
- Retirement Systems Board of Trustees, confirmation, Wilburn Joe Brothers - SR 284
- Retirement Systems, election to discontinue or not participate for General Assembly service - HB 48
- Retirement Systems, election to discontinue or not participate for service to GA - SB 27
- Retirement Systems, employer rates in 2018-2020 biennium set at FY 2017-2018 levels - HB 547
- Retirement Systems, hybrid cash balance plan, benefit election for legislators - HB 51
- Retirement Systems, include interest at actuarial rate on refunded erroneous contributions - SB 81
- Retirement Systems, investment contracts subject to Model Procurement Code - SB 113: HFA (3); SB 151: HFA (2); SB 200: HFA (1)
- Retirement Systems, reemployment and contributions of reemployed retirees by county police - SB 44
- Retirement Systems, violation of fiduciary or ethical duties - SB 151: HFA (2); SB 200: HFA (1)
- Retirement Systems, violation of fiduciary or ethical duties, Class D felony - SB 113: HFA (3)
- Teachers' Retirement System, survivor's benefits, marriage - HB 127
- Teachers' Retirement System, term limits for trustees - HB 105
- Retirement Plan, close to future members and future service accruals - SB 28; HB 65; HB 335
- Retirement Plan, closure, new and existing members transferred to KERS nonhazardous - HB 336
- Retirement Plan, election to discontinue or not participate for service - HB 48
- Retirement Plan, election to discontinue or not participate for service to GA - SB 27
- Retirement Plan, hybrid cash balance plan, benefit election - HB 51
- of duty, death benefits, adjustment of - HB 140: SFA (1); HB 185; HB 185: HCS, HFA (1), SFA (2)
- of duty, death benefits, surviving spouse as default beneficiary - HB 140: SFA (1); HB 185; HB 185: HCS, HFA (1)
- death benefits, adjustment of - HB 32
- death benefits, surviving spouse as default beneficiary - HB 32
Military, income tax deduction for - HB 192
Pension surcharge on state employment contracts - HB 338
Permanent pension fund, opioid tax - HB 337
Plan years 2019 and 2020, allow dependent subsidy, KTRS - SB 197: HFA (1)
Police officers - HB 366: SCS
Public employees, reemployment, urge consideration in pension legislation - HR 231
- after retirement, restrictions on city elected officials - SB 113; SB 113: HCS, HFA (1), HFA (11), HFA (12)
- of hazardous employees and certified peace officers after retirement - HB 508
Repeal, SB 151 (2018 Ky. Acts ch. 107) - HB 6: SFA (10), SFA (11); HB 75: SFA (4); SB 113: HFA (12); HB 306: SFA (2), SFA (3); HB 356: SFA (1); HB 402: SFA (2); HB 557: SFA (1)
Restaurant tax, allow home rule class cities to levy for CERS contributions - HB 490
Restricted companies, divestment from - HB 350
SB 151/EN, enacting clause, deletion of - SB 113: HFA (7), HFA (8), HFA (9)
Sports wagering, revenue generated by - SB 22; HB 536
- retirement systems, commitment to maintaining pension benefits - HCR 187
- retirement systems, disclosure of benefit information if earning more than $100 K - HB 168: SFA (2)
- retirement systems, investment contracts subject to Model Procurement Code - HB 551
- retirement systems, pension reform - SB 1; SB 1: SCS; SB 151: HCS
- retirement systems, pension reform, restore 1.5% COLA for teachers - SB 1: SFA (1)
- retirement systems, pension reform, optional 401(a) DC - SB 1: SFA (4)
- retirement systems, pension reform, retain inviolable contract after July 1, 2018 - SB 1: SFA (3)
- retirement systems, retain 4% guaranteed return for cash balance plan - SB 1: SFA (5)
State/Executive Branch Budget - HB 200; HB 200: FCCR, HCS, SCS
- Retirement System, death before retirement, gender-neutral language - SB 15
- Retirement System, delete provisions of pension reform bill relating to TRS - SB 1: SFA (2)
Underfunded pension trust fund, creation and funding of - HB 82
Uniformed services, income tax deduction for - HB 491
Violation of fiduciary or ethical duties, Class D felony - HB 551