United States
WWW Version
Amendments to, constitutional convention restraining federal government, call for - HJR 12; HJR 47; HJR 81
Article V Convention of the States, proposal to amend Constitution, adherence to application - HB 282
Call on Congress to propose constitutional amendment to limit campaign expenditures - HR 98
Hemp listing, urge Congress to make change in - HCR 35
Junior ROTC programs, adherance to federal laws, requirement of - HCR 87
Krause, Jerry, final status confirmation or secure release of, petition for - HR 48
Legalized abortions, Roe v. Wade, memorialization of - HR 96; SR 108
Local Update of Census Addresses program, urging Congress to encourage participation - HCR 9
Medicare, pharmaceutical drug prices, negotiating - HR 101
National Memorial to Fallen Educators Act, Congress, encouraging support by - HR 223
Veterans Health Administration police, authority as state peace officers - HB 208