Wills and Estates
WWW Version
Community Property Trust Act, creation of - HB 288
County clerks to retain only copies, originals returned to circuit clerk. - HB 313
Creditor's claim, time period for - HB 288
Estate tax, seperation from the federal tax - HB 29
Hospice patient, controlled substances, transfer of ownership from - HB 148
Order of inheritance, surviving spouse and other relatives - HB 391
Special powers of appointment, exclusion from vesting period - HB 287
Surviving spouse exemption, increase exemption amount for - HB 371
Trust, amendment of instrument creating - HB 288
Trust instrument, time period related to power of appointment - HB 287
Unclaimed Life Insurance Benefits Act, retroactive application of - HB 224
Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, adoption of - SB 194