WWW Version
The hyperlink to a bill draft that precedes a summary contains the most recent version (Introduced/GA/Enacted) of the bill. If the session has ended, the hyperlink contains the latest version of the bill at the time of sine die adjournment. Note that the summary pertains to the bill as introduced, which is often different from the most recent version.
HB 136 (BR 480) - A. Koenig, S. Westrom, M. Hart, M. Marzian, C. McCoy, P. Moffett, J. Nemes, R. Palumbo, R. Rothenburger, D. St. Onge, W. Thomas, A. Wuchner
AN ACT relating to microbreweries.
Amend KRS 243.157 to require microbreweries to report and pay taxes on wholesale sales made directly to consumers to the Department of Revenue; amend KRS 243.882 to define "microbrewery" and to include retail sales made by a microbrewery directly to a consumer in the definition of "wholesale sale"; amend KRS 243.884 to include microbreweries selling malt beverages directly to consumers; amend KRS 243.886 to exempt microbreweries from the authorization to deduct one percent of the tax due; amend KRS 211.285 to include microbreweries.
HCS1 - Amend KRS 243.157 to delete new language restricting sales to being direct to consumer; amend KRS 243.884 to establish the method of calculating the gross receipts of a microbrewery making "wholesale sales."
HFA1( A. Koenig ) - Amend KRS 243.157 to allow an unlimited amount of sales by the drink, and limit package sales to no more than one case by microbreweries at fairs, festivals, and similar events.
HFA2( A. Koenig ) - Repeal KRS 244.602, which establishes legislative findings for the beer distribution system; repeal 244.604, which provides definitions for KRS 244.602 to 244.606; repeal 244.606, which relates to the requirements for agreements between brewers, importers, and distributors; amend KRS 243.157 to conform.
HFA3( A. Koenig ) - Amend KRS 131.130 to allow the Department of Revenue to conduct an annual audit of taxes paid under KRS 243.884(1)(c)2. by any wholesaler or microbrewer and require the wholesaler or retailer to submit all information in a timely manner.
HFA4( D. Keene ) - Amend KRS 243.157 to stipulate that malt beverage sales on the microbrewery premises and at fairs, festivals, and similar events be limited to three cases in package sales, but shall not be limited in sales by the drink.
HFA5( A. Koenig ) - Amend KRS 243.157 to establish a limit on the amount of malt beverages that may be sold on the premises for off-premises consumption at not more than 31 gallons per person per day, that shall not include more than three cases of malt beverages in case format.
HFA6( C. Morgan ) - Amend KRS 243.157 to limit the sale of packaged malt beverages sold by microbreweries to no more than four cases per person per day on the premises of the microbrewery or at fairs, festivals, and other similar events located in wet territory; prohibit microbreweries from delivering malt beverages from their premises directly to a consumer's residence.
HFA7( C. Morgan ) - Repeal KRS 244.585, stipulating that distributors of malt beverages not sell outside their designated territories; repeal KRS 244.602 stating legislative findings concerning the distribution of malt beverages; repeal KRS 244.604 concerning definitions for the distribution of malt beverage system; repeal KRS 244.605 concerning payment for the right to distribute malt beverages; repeal KRS 244.606 concerning the contents of agreements among brewers, importers, and distributors; amend KRS 243.157 to conform.
HFA8( C. Morgan ) - Amend KRS 243.157 to prohibit microbreweries from delivering or shipping malt beverages directly to a customer's residence or place of business.
HFA1( A. Koenig ) - Amend KRS 243.157 to allow an unlimited amount of sales by the drink, and limit package sales to no more than one case by microbreweries at fairs, festivals, and similar events.
HFA2( A. Koenig ) - Repeal KRS 244.602, which establishes legislative findings for the beer distribution system; repeal 244.604, which provides definitions for KRS 244.602 to 244.606; repeal 244.606, which relates to the requirements for agreements between brewers, importers, and distributors; amend KRS 243.157 to conform.
HFA3( A. Koenig ) - Amend KRS 131.130 to allow the Department of Revenue to conduct an annual audit of taxes paid under KRS 243.884(1)(c)2. by any wholesaler or microbrewer and require the wholesaler or retailer to submit all information in a timely manner.
HFA4( D. Keene ) - Amend KRS 243.157 to stipulate that malt beverage sales on the microbrewery premises and at fairs, festivals, and similar events be limited to three cases in package sales, but shall not be limited in sales by the drink.
HFA5( A. Koenig ) - Amend KRS 243.157 to establish a limit on the amount of malt beverages that may be sold on the premises for off-premises consumption at not more than 31 gallons per person per day, that shall not include more than three cases of malt beverages in case format.
HFA6( C. Morgan ) - Amend KRS 243.157 to limit the sale of packaged malt beverages sold by microbreweries to no more than four cases per person per day on the premises of the microbrewery or at fairs, festivals, and other similar events located in wet territory; prohibit microbreweries from delivering malt beverages from their premises directly to a consumer's residence.
HFA7( C. Morgan ) - Repeal KRS 244.585, stipulating that distributors of malt beverages not sell outside their designated territories; repeal KRS 244.602 stating legislative findings concerning the distribution of malt beverages; repeal KRS 244.604 concerning definitions for the distribution of malt beverage system; repeal KRS 244.605 concerning payment for the right to distribute malt beverages; repeal KRS 244.606 concerning the contents of agreements among brewers, importers, and distributors; amend KRS 243.157 to conform.
HFA8( C. Morgan ) - Amend KRS 243.157 to prohibit microbreweries from delivering or shipping malt beverages directly to a customer's residence or place of business.
Jan 04, 2018 - introduced in House
Jan 08, 2018 - to Appropriations & Revenue (H)
Jan 09, 2018 - reassigned to Licensing, Occupations, & Admin Regs (H)
Jan 19, 2018 - posted in committee
Jan 31, 2018 - reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute
Feb 01, 2018 - 2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 2, 2018; floor amendment (1), (2) and (3) filed to Committee Substitute
Feb 05, 2018 - floor amendment (4) filed to Committee Substitute
Feb 07, 2018 - floor amendments (5) and (6) filed to Committee Substitute
Feb 08, 2018 - floor amendments (7) and (8) filed to Committee Substitute; floor amendment (2) withdrawn
Feb 09, 2018 - 3rd reading; floor amendment (8) ruled out of order; passed 68-15 with Committee Substitute and floor amendments (1) and (5)
Feb 12, 2018 - received in Senate
Feb 15, 2018 - to Licensing, Occupations, & Administrative Regulations (S)
Feb 27, 2018 - reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar
Feb 28, 2018 - 2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 1, 2018
Mar 01, 2018 - 3rd reading, passed 33-3
Mar 02, 2018 - received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House
Mar 06, 2018 - enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor
Mar 16, 2018 - signed by Governor (Acts, ch. 16)