WWW Version
The hyperlink to a bill draft that precedes a summary contains the most recent version (Introduced/GA/Enacted) of the bill. If the session has ended, the hyperlink contains the latest version of the bill at the time of sine die adjournment. Note that the summary pertains to the bill as introduced, which is often different from the most recent version.
HB 446 (BR 1458) - A. Hatton, K. Sinnette
AN ACT relating to elections.
Amend KRS 118.165 and KRS 118A.060 to require each candidate for elected office to file with their nomination papers, a Certificate of Good Standing issued by the Kentucky Bar Association, demonstrating proof of license to practice law in the courts of the Commonwealth for those elected offices that require a license to practice law; when requesting a Certificate of Good Standing, obtaining discipline or grievance history is not required, nor is a Certificate of Admissions required; make technical corrections.
Feb 22, 2018 - introduced in House
Feb 26, 2018 - to Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (H)