WWW Version
The hyperlink to a bill draft that precedes a summary contains the most recent version (Introduced/GA/Enacted) of the bill. If the session has ended, the hyperlink contains the latest version of the bill at the time of sine die adjournment. Note that the summary pertains to the bill as introduced, which is often different from the most recent version.
HB 512 (BR 1965) - J. Blanton
AN ACT relating to qualifications of officers and declaring an emergency.
Amend KRS 16.040 to require officers appointed with a high school diploma or GED and additional experience to complete 60 hours of credit or an associate's degree prior to the end of probation; specify that not completing the education requirement will result in discharge.
HCS1 - Retain original provisions; change effective date to upon its passage and approval by the Governor or otherwise becoming a law; EMERGENCY.
HCA1( J. Blanton ) - Make title amendment.
HCA1( J. Blanton ) - Make title amendment.
Feb 26, 2018 - introduced in House
Feb 28, 2018 - to Veterans, Military Affairs, and Public Protection (H)
Mar 08, 2018 - posted in committee
Mar 14, 2018 - reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute & committee amendment (1-title)
Mar 15, 2018 - 2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Friday, March 16, 2018
Mar 16, 2018 - 3rd reading, passed 87-0 with Committee Substitute and committee amendment (1-title)
Mar 19, 2018 - received in Senate
Mar 20, 2018 - to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)
Mar 22, 2018 - reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar
Mar 27, 2018 - 2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Thursday, March 29, 2018
Mar 29, 2018 - 3rd reading, passed 36-1; received in House; enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House; enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor
Apr 10, 2018 - signed by Governor (Acts, ch. 146)