WWW Version
The hyperlink to a bill draft that precedes a summary contains the most recent version (Introduced/GA/Enacted) of the bill. If the session has ended, the hyperlink contains the latest version of the bill at the time of sine die adjournment. Note that the summary pertains to the bill as introduced, which is often different from the most recent version.
HB 592 (BR 1962) - J. Carney
AN ACT relating to public agencies.
Amend KRS 156.690 to insert gender-neutral language.
HCS1 - Delete original provisions; amend KRS 61.826 to require a public agency to precisely identify a primary location of a video teleconference meeting; amend KRS 164A.575 to grant the governing board of a public postsecondary institution decision making authority with respect to a lease renewal; to provide that a governing board shall not sell an interest in real property for less than its fair market value; to provide that bidder security shall only be required for a postsecondary institution's capital construction project with an estimated cost of more than $1,000,000; to permit a governing board to authorize a capital construction project or a major item of equipment purchase not specifically listed in any branch budget bill under certain conditions; to provide that a governing board may elect to obtain private property insurance under certain conditions; amend KRS 164.020 to remove statewide policy to promote employee and faculty development in all postsecondary institutions.
HCA1( J. Carney ) - Make title amendment.
HFA1( L. Belcher ) - Amend KRS 164.020 to remove the statewide tuition waiver policy for employees of postsecondary institutions while retaining the tuition waiver policy for employees of state and locally operated secondary area technology centers, rather than eliminating the tuition waiver policy entirely.
HFA2( J. Carney ) - Amend KRS 164.020 to remove the statewide tuition waiver policy for employees of postsecondary institutions while retaining the tuition waiver policy for employees of state and locally operated secondary area technology centers, rather than eliminating the tuition waiver policy entirely; provide that the amount of tuition waived shall not exceed the cost of tuition at the institution less any state or federal grants received.
HFA3( B. Rowland ) - Amend KRS 164.020 to remove the statewide tuition waiver policy for employees of postsecondary institutions while retaining the tuition waiver policy for employees of state and locally operated secondary area technology centers, rather than eliminating the tuition waiver policy entirely.
SCS1 - Retain all original provisions; create a new section of KRS Chapter 151B to require employees of the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet with access to or use of federal tax information to submit to a state and federal criminal background check; EMERGENCY.
SCA1( M. Wise ) - Make title amendment.
HCA1( J. Carney ) - Make title amendment.
HFA1( L. Belcher ) - Amend KRS 164.020 to remove the statewide tuition waiver policy for employees of postsecondary institutions while retaining the tuition waiver policy for employees of state and locally operated secondary area technology centers, rather than eliminating the tuition waiver policy entirely.
HFA2( J. Carney ) - Amend KRS 164.020 to remove the statewide tuition waiver policy for employees of postsecondary institutions while retaining the tuition waiver policy for employees of state and locally operated secondary area technology centers, rather than eliminating the tuition waiver policy entirely; provide that the amount of tuition waived shall not exceed the cost of tuition at the institution less any state or federal grants received.
HFA3( B. Rowland ) - Amend KRS 164.020 to remove the statewide tuition waiver policy for employees of postsecondary institutions while retaining the tuition waiver policy for employees of state and locally operated secondary area technology centers, rather than eliminating the tuition waiver policy entirely.
SCS1 - Retain all original provisions; create a new section of KRS Chapter 151B to require employees of the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet with access to or use of federal tax information to submit to a state and federal criminal background check; EMERGENCY.
SCA1( M. Wise ) - Make title amendment.
Feb 27, 2018 - introduced in House
Mar 01, 2018 - to Education (H)
Mar 15, 2018 - taken from Education (H); 1st reading; returned to Education (H)
Mar 16, 2018 - posted in committee; taken from Education (H); 2nd reading; returned to Education (H)
Mar 20, 2018 - reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute and committee amendment (1-title); floor amendments (1), (2) and (3) filed to Committee Substitute
Mar 21, 2018 - taken from Rules (H); placed in the Orders of the Day; 3rd reading, passed 82-11 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (1-title), and floor amendment (2)
Mar 22, 2018 - received in Senate; taken from Committee on Committees (S); 1st reading; returned to Committee on Committees (S)
Mar 27, 2018 - to Education (S)
Mar 29, 2018 - reported favorably, 2nd reading, to Rules with Committee Substitute (1) and committee amendment (1-title) as a consent bill
Apr 02, 2018 - posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Monday, April 2, 2018; 3rd reading, passed 38-0 with Committee Substitute (1) committee amendment (1-title); received in House; to Rules (H)
Apr 13, 2018 - posted for passage for concurrence in Senate Committee Substitute (1) committee amendment (1-title); House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute and committee amendment (1-title); Bill passed 51-34
Apr 14, 2018 - enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House; enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor
Apr 26, 2018 - signed by Governor (Acts, ch. 200)