WWW Version
The hyperlink to a bill draft that precedes a summary contains the most recent version (Introduced/GA/Enacted) of the bill. If the session has ended, the hyperlink contains the latest version of the bill at the time of sine die adjournment. Note that the summary pertains to the bill as introduced, which is often different from the most recent version.
HB 78 (BR 388) - J. Kay
AN ACT relating to ethics.
Amend KRS 7.119 to include communication made by members of the General Assembly on publicly owned computers or cell phones in the definition of records available for public inspection; amend KRS 11A.040 to prohibit a public servant from acting as an executive branch lobbyist for one year after leaving employment, and prohibit a public servant from bidding on or holding a state contract unless approved by the Executive Branch Ethics Commission; amend KRS 11A.045 to prohibit a public servant from accepting any gifts or gratuities from a person or business holding a state contract; amend KRS 11A.050 to add the financial statement filings for public servants to include August 15 and December 15, require appointees to state boards and commissions to file a financial disclosure statement on or before April 15, and require constitutional officers and candidates for constitutional office to file a copy of their tax returns with the commission; amend KRS 11A.060 to reestablish the commission as an independent, de jure municipal corporation, and change the way in which board members are appointed and removed; amend KRS 11A.070 to set out requirements for the executive director of the commission, limit his or her employment term, and require he or she be sworn in under Section 228 of the Kentucky Constitution, require the commission to employ four full-time investigators, and make all employees of the commission independent; amend KRS 11A.080 to prohibit the commission from turning over information to other agencies, contractors, or persons, and from making public statements prior to the completion of an investigation; amend KRS 11A.110 to create an ethics tip line; amend KRS 11A.990 to make failure to disclose a financial disclosure statement or tax return as required a Class D felony and disqualify the public servant from holding public office; amend KRS 12.028 to remove the commission from the reorganization authority of the Governor; amend KRS 18A.005 to include the definition of "relative"; amend KRS 18A.155 to prohibit a relative of a sitting state legislator or cabinet secretary from being hired in the unclassified service; amend KRS 45A.095 to define "business relationship" and "family," and prohibit a no-bid contract with a vendor having a business relationship with the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or a member of the Governor's Executive Cabinet or any vendor owned by them; amend KRS 45A.715 to prohibit the Department of Revenue from entering into a personal service contract that gives the Governor the authority to set out a bonus payment structure for the collection of taxes; make the former Executive Branch Ethics Commission cease to exist effective January 1, 2019; require the Attorney General, the Auditor of Public Accounts, the Secretary of State, and the Chief Justice of the Commonwealth to submit their nominees to the new Executive Branch Ethics Commission to the Governor by October 1, 2018, and require the Governor to appoint the new commissioners on or before December 1, 2018, to take effect January 1, 2019; reconstitution of Executive Branch Ethics Commission effective January 1, 2019.
Dec 08, 2017 - Prefiled by the sponsor(s).
Jan 02, 2018 - introduced in House; to State Government (H)