WWW Version
The hyperlink to a bill draft that precedes a summary contains the most recent version (Introduced/GA/Enacted) of the bill. If the session has ended, the hyperlink contains the latest version of the bill at the time of sine die adjournment. Note that the summary pertains to the bill as introduced, which is often different from the most recent version.
SB 252 (BR 459) - J. Adams
AN ACT relating to radon gas.
Amend KRS 211.9119 to make a technical correction.
SFA1( J. Adams ) - Amend KRS 211.9101 to revise definitions; amend KRS 211.9103 to establish a per diem in the amount of $50 for members of the Kentucky Radon Program Advisory Committee and to require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to host all committee meetings, manage all meeting agendas, and notify committee members of scheduled meetings; amend KRS 211.9105 to require the committee to maintain minutes of committee meetings and proceedings; amend KRS 21.9107 to exempt a person performing measurement under the general supervision of a measurement contractor and a person performing mitigation under the direct supervision of a mitigation contractor from the certification requirements under KRS 211.9101 to 211.9135, and to delete the requirement that an agent of the federal, state, or local government make payment of certification fees; amend KRS 211.9109 to establish certification requirements for a radon measurement contractor, to require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to issue a registration certificate to duly qualified contractors, and to require a measurement contractor to perform his or her duties in accordance with the standard operating procedures established by the proficiency program that the person is certified by; amend KRS 211.911 to establish certification requirements for a mitigation contractor, to require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to issue a registration certificate to duly qualified contractors, and to require a mitigation contractor to perform his or her duties in accordance with the standard operating procedures established by the proficiency program that the person is certified by; amend KRS 211.9113 to require mitigation contractors to maintain an insurance policy that provided general liability coverage in an amount of at least $500,000 and to require measurement contractors to maintain an insurance policy that provided general liability coverage in an amount of at least $250,000; amend KRS 211.9115 to require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to promulgate an administrative regulation to establish the registration process for radon laboratories, to require the Cabinet of Health and Family Services to issue a radon laboratory registration certificate to any business entity that completes the registration process, to require radon laboratories to ensure that all laboratory analysis is conducted in accordance with the standard operating procedures established by the proficiency program that the laboratory is certified by, and to require radon laboratories to maintain a quality control program plan in accordance with the standard operating procedures established by the proficiency program that the laboratory is certified by; amend KRS 311.9121 to require a person or business entity seeking biennial registration to complete the registration process prescribed by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services through the promulgation of administrative regulations, to establish that no fees or other expenses for registration shall be applied by the cabinet, to establish that any registration not renewed within 30 days after the renewal date shall lapse and may only be reinstated upon completion of the registration process as prescribed by the cabinet through the promulgation of administrative regulations, and to require that a registrant shall report any change of information submitted during the registration process in writing to the cabinet within 10 days; amend KRS 211.9129 to permit the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to examine records of mitigation contractors, measurement contractors, and radon laboratories to ensure that radon measurement, mitigation, and laboratory analysis are conducted in accordance with the standard operating procedures established by the proficiency program that the person or entity is certified by, to permit the cabinet to test any equipment used for measurement, mitigation, or laboratory analysis and to copy any records pertaining to measurement, mitigation, or laboratory analysis; amend various sections to conform; and repeal KRS 211.9117, 211.9123, and 211.9127.
Mar 01, 2018 - introduced in Senate
Mar 05, 2018 - to Health & Welfare (S)
Mar 29, 2018 - floor amendment (1) filed