WWW Version
The hyperlink to a bill draft that precedes a summary contains the most recent version (Introduced/GA/Enacted) of the bill. If the session has ended, the hyperlink contains the latest version of the bill at the time of sine die adjournment. Note that the summary pertains to the bill as introduced, which is often different from the most recent version.
SB 35/LM (BR 420) - J. Schickel
AN ACT relating to an exemption for wage and hours.
Amend KRS 337.010 to include employees of amusement and recreational facilities that are open for no more than seven months in a year in the exemptions relating to wages and hours, bringing Kentucky's laws in line with the federal exemptions.
SFA1( J. Higdon ) - Amend KRS 337.010 to exclude employees of amusement and recreational facilities from the overtime requirements in KRS 337.285.
SFA2( J. Higdon ) - Amend KRS 337.285 to exclude employees of amusement and recreational facilities from the overtime requirements.
HCS1/LM - Retain original provisions and amend KRS 337.385 to set statute of limitations of two years from the filing of a claim in court or from the findings of fact by the Labor Cabinet for wage and hour actions or three years for a willful action; clarify that the Labor Cabinet has no jurisdiction if a claimant files a claim in court or with the federal government.
HCA1( A. Koenig ) - Make title amendment.
HFA1( J. Jenkins ) - Delete original provisions and amend KRS 337.010 to exempt baseball players employed under contract from overtime and minimum wage except require them to make at least minimum wage for a 40 hour work week.
HFA2( J. Jenkins ) - Delete original provisions and amend KRS 337.010 to exempt baseball players employed under contract from overtime and minimum wage except require them to make at least minimum wage for a 40 hour work week.
HFA3( A. Koenig ) - Retain original provisions and amend KRS 337.010 to exempt minor league baseball players.
HFA4( A. Koenig ) - Retain original provisions and amend KRS 337.010 to exempt minor league baseball players.
HFA5( A. Koenig ) - Delete new language that exempts recreational and amusement facilities and insert exemption for minor league baseball players from overtime.
HFA6( A. Koenig ) - Delete new language that exempts recreational and amusement facilities and insert exemption for minor league baseball players from overtime.
SFA2( J. Higdon ) - Amend KRS 337.285 to exclude employees of amusement and recreational facilities from the overtime requirements.
HCS1/LM - Retain original provisions and amend KRS 337.385 to set statute of limitations of two years from the filing of a claim in court or from the findings of fact by the Labor Cabinet for wage and hour actions or three years for a willful action; clarify that the Labor Cabinet has no jurisdiction if a claimant files a claim in court or with the federal government.
HCA1( A. Koenig ) - Make title amendment.
HFA1( J. Jenkins ) - Delete original provisions and amend KRS 337.010 to exempt baseball players employed under contract from overtime and minimum wage except require them to make at least minimum wage for a 40 hour work week.
HFA2( J. Jenkins ) - Delete original provisions and amend KRS 337.010 to exempt baseball players employed under contract from overtime and minimum wage except require them to make at least minimum wage for a 40 hour work week.
HFA3( A. Koenig ) - Retain original provisions and amend KRS 337.010 to exempt minor league baseball players.
HFA4( A. Koenig ) - Retain original provisions and amend KRS 337.010 to exempt minor league baseball players.
HFA5( A. Koenig ) - Delete new language that exempts recreational and amusement facilities and insert exemption for minor league baseball players from overtime.
HFA6( A. Koenig ) - Delete new language that exempts recreational and amusement facilities and insert exemption for minor league baseball players from overtime.
Dec 07, 2017 - Prefiled by the sponsor(s).
Jan 02, 2018 - introduced in Senate
Jan 03, 2018 - to Economic Development, Tourism, and Labor (S)
Jan 23, 2018 - reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar
Jan 24, 2018 - 2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed
Jan 25, 2018 - floor amendment (2) filed
Jan 26, 2018 - posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, January 29, 2018
Jan 29, 2018 - 3rd reading; floor amendment (1) withdrawn; passed 19-16 with floor amendment (2)
Jan 30, 2018 - received in House
Feb 01, 2018 - to Economic Development & Workforce Investment (H)
Feb 23, 2018 - posted in committee
Mar 22, 2018 - reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute and committee amendment (1-title); floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2) filed to Bill
Mar 27, 2018 - 2nd reading, to Rules
Apr 13, 2018 - floor amendments (4), and (5) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendments (3) and (6) filed