WWW Version
The hyperlink to a bill draft that precedes a summary contains the most recent version (Introduced/GA/Enacted) of the bill. If the session has ended, the hyperlink contains the latest version of the bill at the time of sine die adjournment. Note that the summary pertains to the bill as introduced, which is often different from the most recent version.
SB 53 (BR 111) - S. Meredith, D. Carroll, R. Girdler
AN ACT relating to service improvements in the Medicaid program.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to limit the number of MCO contracts to operate the Medicaid program to 2 and to establish a process for selecting the two winning MCOs; create a new section of KRS Chapter 205 to require that services provided in rural counties be reimbursed at least at the median amount paid to an urban health care provider within the nearest metropolitan statistical area; establish a penalty that goes to the underpaid provider.
Jan 03, 2018 - introduced in Senate
Jan 04, 2018 - to Health & Welfare (S)