WWW Version
The hyperlink to a bill draft that precedes a summary contains the most recent version (Introduced/GA/Enacted) of the bill. If the session has ended, the hyperlink contains the latest version of the bill at the time of sine die adjournment. Note that the summary pertains to the bill as introduced, which is often different from the most recent version.
SB 80/CI/LM (BR 906) - D. Seum, P. Clark
AN ACT relating to the regulation of cannabis.
Establish and create new sections of KRS Chapter 245 to define terms, allow for possession, growth, use, processing, purchasing, transfer, and consumption of cannabis; establish limits for transfer; allow for purchasing and manufacture of cannabis accessories; authorize activities and operation of retail stores, consumption establishments, cultivation facilities, cannabis testing facilities, and product manufacturing facilities; prohibit smoking cannabis in public and establish a fine for violation; prohibit operation of motor vehicles while consuming cannabis and specify that existing intoxication laws are not superseded; prohibit state or local resources to be used to investigate violations of federal Controlled Substances Act that conflict with this KRS Chapter 245; specify that an employer is not required to allow consumption, workplace intoxication, possession, or transfer of cannabis; prohibit individuals under the age of 21 from entering cannabis establishments, purchasing, using, or misrepresenting his or her age; establish penalties for violation; establish a penalty for underage possession of cannabis; establish a penalty for underage cultivation of cannabis; establish requirements for personal cultivation; establish and direct the Department for Cannabis Enforcement to administrate KRS Chapter 245 and promulgate administrative regulations relating to all aspects of cannabis establishments, cannabis manufacturing, and transfer, cultivation, packaging, and health and safety requirements; restrictions on advertising, and restrictions on additives, pesticides, visitor logs, and sample testing; require promulgation of administrative regulations within 180 days; establish timeframes for the issuance of licenses; establish a licensure requirement and separate licenses; establish a license and renewal fee and license application form; establish an excise tax on cultivation facilities, processing facilities, or retail facilities; establish a trust and agency account; establish a cannabis regulation fund and recommend the direction of certain funds; establish a civil penalty for violating KRS Chapter 245, including for failing to keep written records and submitting required reports; establish a prioritization requirement for Kentucky residents; establish the legislative intent that cannabis or cannabis products not in conformity with KRS Chapter 245 are seizable as contraband; allow for local governments to prohibit the operation of cannabis businesses; establish a new section of KRS Chapter 138 to establish excise taxes; establish a new section of KRS Chapter 139 to direct the placement of excise taxes and sales taxes relating to cannabis; amend KRS 2.015 to make the cultivation, purchase, use, and possession of cannabis a higher age of majority activity; amend KRS 610.010 to make cannabis offenses under KRS Chapter 245 committed by minors under the authority of the juvenile session of the District Court; amend KRS 630.020 to grant a court jurisdiction over cannabis offenses committed by children; amend KRS 630.120 to prohibit commitment of children over a cannabis offense; amend KRS 218A.1422 to clarify that a person is guilty of possession of marijuana when he or she has more than the possession limit established in KRS Chapter 245, and to exempt a cannabis establishment; amend KRS 218A.1423 to prohibit cultivation of more than 5 marijuana plants and to exempt cannabis establishments; amend KRS 12.020 to reflect the establishment of the Department for Cannabis Enforcement; amend KRS 12.252 to reflect the establishment of the Department for Cannabis Enforcement; establish a short title.
Jan 17, 2018 - introduced in Senate
Jan 26, 2018 - to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (S)