Abortion, prohibition when fetal heartbeat detected - BR 823

Abuse, reporting of - BR 184; BR 200

Baby products and diapers, exemption of sales and use tax - BR 65

Breast-feeding locations, penalty for restrictions or interference, establish - BR 465

Corporal physical discipline, use of prohibited - BR 429

Family resource and youth services centers, authorize donations to - BR 47

Kentucky YMCA Youth Assembly program tax designation, creation of - BR 240

Kinship and fictive kin care program, establishment and requirements of - BR 133; BR 329

Operators of motor vehicles without insurance, exemption from penalties - BR 253

Physical activity at school, increasing - BR 324

Sexual endangerment of a child, crime, creation of - BR 184; BR 201

Sibling children in the custody of the state, ensure visitation - BR 128

Statewide youth crossbow deer hunting season, establishment of - BR 178

Statute of limitations, childhood sexual abuse, criminal and civil actions - BR 184; BR 199

Unlawful storage of a firearm, prohibition of - BR 48; BR 299