Abortion, prohibition when fetal heartbeat detected - BR 823

Animal abuse offender registry, establishment of - BR 121

Capital offense, executions, mental illness - BR 69

Child abuse, reporting of - BR 184; BR 200

Corporal physical discipline on minor, use of prohibited - BR 429

Create the offense of hate crime - BR 357

Criminal gangs, relating to - BR 172

Domestic violence, torture of a dog or cat, offenses involving family members, early release - BR 66

Expungement of felonies, expansion of - BR 351

Financial bail, limitation of - BR 493

Hate crime, criminal homicide and fetal homicide, addition of - BR 335

Immigration laws, enforcement of, requiring - BR 134

Racial and ethnic community criminal justice and public safety impact statement, requiring - BR 3

Report required, charges or convictions relating to gang activity - BR 4

Sexual endangerment of a child, crime, creation of - BR 184; BR 201

Statute of limitations, childhood sexual abuse, criminal and civil actions - BR 184; BR 199

Tampering with the outcome of a sporting event, penalty for - BR 320

Telephone solicitations, caller identification, prohibited acts - BR 393

Unlawful storage of a firearm, prohibition of - BR 48; BR 299

Voting rights, prohibitions relating to - BR 350