98RS HB330


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HB 330 (BR 1500) - H. Moberly, M. Marzian, S. Riggs, K. Stein

     AN ACT relating to school safety and declaring an emergency.
     Create new sections of KRS Chapter 158 to authorize the establishment of the Center for School Safety under the control of a board of directors and to be located at a public university to serve as the central point for data analysis, research, and dissemination of information relating to school safety; define the responsibilities of the center; establish a statewide grant program to aid school districts in the development of alternative education programs and innovative programs of violence prevention, conflict resolution, and other related programs; require the Kentucky Department of Education to establish and maintain a statewide data collection system by which school districts report data relating to school safety issues; provide that the Kentucky Department of Education award grants to local school districts in 1998-99 based on the biennial budget directives for the purposes of alternative education programs and that the Center for School Safety handle grants to local districts in subsequent years; require each public school and each local school district to complete an assessment of school safety and student discipline during 1998-99 and prepare a district school safety plan including a code of conduct and a description of instructional placement options for threatening or violent students; require the assessment as an eligibility prerequisite for state grant funds, beginning in 1999-2000; create a new section of KRS Chapter 605 to provide, based on available general fund appropriations, a day treatment program, accessible to every school district by August 1, 2000; amend KRS 158.148 to require that the Kentucky Department of Education in collaboration with the Center for School Safety and other agencies and organizations develop statewide student discipline guidelines and recommendations to improve the learning environment, student achievement, and to reduce the dropout rate; amend KRS 158.148 to require that each local district develop a code of acceptable behavior and discipline and describe the responsibilities of local personnel in the development and communication of the code to parents, students, and others; amend KRS 158.150 to require that a local board of education provide for the alternative placement of any student who has been expelled for having a weapon at school; require disciplinary actions, up to and including expulsion, for a student determined to have used or brought illegal and prescription drugs to school for sale or distribution; amend KRS 610.345 to include procedures for disclosing information about a child who is found guilty of certain offenses; require that, in the cases of violent offenders, adjudication notifications be furnished by the courts to the school principal within five (5) days of the order and require that the principal share information with the classroom teachers who have the student enrolled and permit the principal to share the information with selected school personnel including transportation personnel; amend other sections of KRS Chapter 610 to conform; EMERGENCY.


     HCA (1, H. Moberly) - Amend a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to provide that safety grants in 1998-1999 be used for alternative education programs in school districts.
     HFA (1, H. Moberly) - Provide that the Center for School Safety collaborate with local juvenile delinquency prevention councils; and require that a local school district have representatives from the local juvenile delinquency council, if a council exists in that community, involved in the development of its long range plan to address school safety.
     HFA (2, D. Ford) - Permit, rather than require, that a school resource officer be employed through a contract between a local law enforement agency and a school district.
     HCA (2, C. Siler) - Amend a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to require that a classified school employee be appointed to the board of directors for the Center for School Safety; require that the Governor seek nominations for the board of directors from the Kentucky Education Support Personnel Association.
     HFA (3, D. Ford) - Establish intervention services targeting students in early grades as a second priority for funding state school safety grants.
     HFA (4, D. Ford) - Include a local school superintendent as a member of the board of directors of the Center for School Safety.
     SCS - Retain all original provisions; amend definition of intervention services; expand duties of the Center for School Safety to prepare and disseminate information on best practices in creating safe and effective schools; expand the center's board of directors to include a superintendent who is a member of the KY Association of School Administrators; require local school board to provide alternative program, except when board has determined on the record by clear and convincing evidence that expelled student poses a threat to students and staff and cannot be placed in a state agency program; permit school personnel to remove or cause to be removed threatening or violent student pending further disciplinary action; and create new section of KRS Chapter 158 to require school principal to report to the local law enforcement agency acts of violence occurring on school property.
     SCA (2, G. Neal) - Require local board of education to adopt policy on the removal of threatening or violent students.
     SCA (3, R. Stivers) - Require the court to notify the principal of the filing of a petition against a child or the adjudication of a child and expand notice of offenses to include arson, kidnapping and robbery; require the principal to release notice to personnel with supervisory responsibility; and permit disclosure of criminal records to support personnel.
     SFA (1, V. McGaha) - Provide that a local district superintendent who is a member of the Kentucky Association of School Administrators be appointed to the board of directors for the Center for School Safety.
     SFA (4, G. Neal) - Require that twenty percent of the funds appropriated in the biennial budget for the school safety fund program in 1998-99 and ten percent in 1999-2000 shall be used for the operation of the Center for School Safety, and for grants to be distributed by the center to support exemplary programs in local school districts, and the remainder of the appropriations to be distributed on a per pupil basis; and make other corrections to conform.
     SFA (5, G. Neal) - Require that when a petition has been filed against a student as a violent offender, and if in the court's judgment notification of school personnel is warranted, the information shall be provided school personnel; require that information be given to instructional personnel who have the student in class and to administrators, counselors, and transportation personnel; and make other changes to conform.
     SFA (6, E. Scorsone) - Provide that twenty percent of the funds appropriated in the biennial budget for 1998-99 be used to support the Center for School Safety and that of the remaining funds, fifty percent be distributed through a grant process to local school districts for exemplary programs, and fifty percent to local school districts on a per pupil basis, to be used for alternative education and intervention services, in compliance with Sections 6, 10, and 11 of this Act.
     SFA (7, L. Casebier) - Require the code of conduct to include procedures for administering medication to students; require that students not be allowed in school during periods when they have not taken their medication.
     SFA (8, L. Casebier) - Amend KRS 157.360 to allow funds generated under the at-risk add-on of the school funding formula to be used for hazardous duty pay supplements for teachers in alternative programs serving violent students.

     Jan 20-introduced in House
     Jan 21-to Education (H)
     Jan 29-posted in committee
     Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Amendments (1) and (2)
     Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for February 17, 1998
     Feb 17-floor amendment (1) filed
     Feb 18-floor amendments (2) (3) and (4) filed; 3rd reading, passed 93-0 with Committee Amendments (1) and (2) and Floor Amendment (1)
     Feb 19-received in Senate
     Feb 20-to Education (S)
     Mar 3-floor amendment (1) filed
     Mar 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute, committee amendments (2) and (3)
     Mar 20-2nd reading, to Rules
     Mar 23-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for March 25, 1998; floor amendments (4) and (5) filed to the Committee Substitute
     Mar 25-floor amendments (6) (7) and (8) filed to Committee Substitute
     Mar 26-3rd reading, committee amendment (3) withdrawn; floor amendment (6) defeated ; floor amendments (1) (5) and (7) withdrawn; passed 35-0 with Committee Substitute, committee amendment (2), floor amendments (4) and (8)
     Mar 27-received in House; posted for passage for concurrence in Senate amendments
     Mar 31-House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute, Senate committee amendment (2) and Senate floor amendments (4) and (8); passed 96-0
     Apr 1-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer, delivered to Governor
     Apr 10-signed by Governor

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