98RS HB673


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HB 673 (BR 1308) - J. Barrows

     AN ACT relating to wireless enhanced emergency 911 systems.
     Create new sections of KRS Chapter 65 to define terms; create the 8-member Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) Emergency Telecommunications Board of Kentucky; specify method of appointment, terms, compensation, organization with the Finance and Administration Cabinet, and staff services; create the position of administrator of CMRS emergency telecommunications, who is a member of and chief administrative officer of the board, specify powers and duties; create a CMRS emergency telecommunications fund, to receive $.70 per month from each wireless telephone subscriber, the fund to be completely independent of control or possession by the Commonwealth; specify duties of the CMRS Board including to maintain the fund, audit the fund, make disbursements from the fund, and make policy to govern its decisions; allocate, each month, up to 2.5% of fund revenues for administrative costs, 50% for public service answering points to upgrade equipment and personnel to operate wireless enhanced 911 answering equipment, and 50% for CMRS (wireless telephone) providers, to upgrade their systems to operate enhanced 911 services; authorize the board to promulgate administrative regulations to set specified procedures and guidelines; direct CMRS providers to collect the monthly fee, specify that the fee be stated separately on customers' bills, allow providers to keep up to 1.5% for collecting the money, and let the state, not the provider, enforce collections against customers, or against the provider on behalf of the board; give CMRS providers or service suppliers immunity from liability for damages related to provision of 911 service, except in cases of wanton and willful misconduct or bad faith; require each CMRS provider to provide the board and public service answering points the names and telephone numbers of subscribers, but prohibit the release of this information or its use for any but the specified purposes; prohibit use of wireless emergency telephone service for inappropriate purposes, and establish penalties; amend KRS 65.750 to conform.


     HCS - Base funding of PSAPs in part on calls handled during the previous quarter, rather than the previous year; require CMRS providers to report quarterly to the board the number of calls forwarded to each PSAP; add "negligence" to grounds for which a CMRS employee may be held liable for actions.
     HFA (1, J. Vincent) - Change "wanton and willful" to "wanton or willful".
     SCS - Amend definition to make selective routing of calls an optional rather than an essential feature of enhanced 911 systems.
     SFA (1, D. Nunnelley) - Remove the requirement that a public safety answering point must be located within a local jurisdiction to which it provides service in order to be eligible for assistance through the CMRS Fund; change the amendments to KRS 65.750 to so that definitions apply to wireline service.

     Feb 20-introduced in House
     Feb 23-to Tourism Development and Energy (H); posted in committee
     Feb 25-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute
     Feb 26-2nd reading, to Rules
     Feb 27-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute
     Mar 2-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for March 3, 1998
     Mar 5-3rd reading, passed 78-7 with Committee Substitute and Floor Amendment (1)
     Mar 6-received in Senate
     Mar 9-to Agriculture and Small Business (H)
     Mar 18-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute
     Mar 19-2nd reading, to Rules
     Mar 20-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for March 24, 1998
     Mar 23-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute
     Mar 24-taken from the Consent Orders of the Day, placed in the Regular Orders of the Day
     Mar 25-3rd reading, passed 35-0 with Committee Substitute and floor amendment (1)
     Mar 26-received in House; posted for passage for concurrence in Senate amendments
     Mar 31-House concurred in Senate Committee Substitute and Senate floor amendment (1); passed 87-7
     Apr 1-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer, delivered to Governor
     Apr 13-signed by Governor

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