SB 128/FN (BR 1514) - G. Neal, D. Boswell, E. Scorsone
AN ACT relating to children's health insurance and declaring an emergency.
Create various new sections of KRS Chapter 205 to create within the Cabinet for Human Resources the Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program for the purposes of providing health care coverage and other coordinated services to children though the age of 18 years at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level and who are not otherwise eligible for health insurance coverage and for expanding Medicaid coverage for children between the ages of 14 and 18 years up to 100 percent of the federal poverty level; require the cabinet by administrative regulation to establish CHIP program eligibility criteria, a benefit schedule, premium contribution per family or per child, copayments for services, content and contribution for riders to existing employer-sponsored health insurance policies, and content of an incentive program for employer sponsored health insurance programs; Create a "Children's Health Insurance Program Trust Fund"; EMERGENCY.
SCS/FN - Retain original provisions except require the Cabinet for Human Resources to prepare a state child health plan meeting the requirements of Title XXI of the federal Social Security Act; require the KCHIP schedule of benefits to be equivalent to one of three health benefit plans as described, plus include preventive services, vision services, and dental services including at least sealants, extractions, and fillings; set forth premium contributions per family for health insurance coverage under KCHIP in accordance with family income ranges; require criteria for health services providers and insurers wishing to contract to provide KCHIP coverage to be set forth in administrative regulations and maximize competition among providers and insurers; require the Cabinet for Finance and Administration to provide oversight over contracting policies and procedures to assure the number of applicants for contracts is maximized; require the Human Resources Cabinet to assure that a KCHIP program is available to all eligible children in all regions of the state within 12 months of federal approval of the state's Title 21 child health plan; require the cabinet to institute its own program if necessary to meet this assurance; require the Human Resources Cabinet to conduct KCHIP eligibility determination and provide oversight over outreach services, enrollment and claims payment; require the KCHIP program to collect, analyze, and publicly disseminate comprehensive data on the number of children enrolled in the program, services received through the program, and the effect on health outcomes of children served by the program including the special health needs of minority children; require the Governor to appoint a 7 member advisory council for the KCHIP program and to be representative of health care providers, families with children eligible for KCHIP, and child advocacy groups; delete requirement that the Human Resources Cabinet establish the content, premium contributions, and copayments of riders to existing employer-sponsored health insurance policies which will provide for covered services for eligible children; delete requirement that the Human Resources Cabinet establish the content of an incentive program for employer-sponsored health insurance programs for KCHIP coverage, including partial subsidies of employee contributions to employer-sponsored health insurance programs.
SFA (1, R. Roeding) - Amend to prohibit more than ten percent of federal and state funds for Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program from being used for other children's health programs or initiatives; require the department to use the sales and marketing methods of the insurer or health maintenance organization that has a state contract.
SFA (2, W. Blevins) - Provide for the Department for Medicaid Services to administer the Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program except within the Department for Medicaid Services-designated geographic boundaries of the Kentucky Health Care Partnership Program Regions 3 and 5 as of January 1, 1998.
SFA (3, R. Roeding) - Make the same amendments as SFA (1) except that the conditions for allocating funds are defined as meeting the provisions under Title XXI of the federal Social Security Act.
HCS/FN - Retain original provisions except specify that KCHIP provide coverage for children through either expansions of Medicaid services under Title 19 of the federal Social Security Act and through the provision of a separate health insurance program under Title 21 of the Social Security Act , or a combination of Medicaid program expansions and use of a separate health insurance program; require the Cabinet for Human Resources in any contracting process for the preventive health insurance program provide the opportunity for a public health department to bid on preventive health services to eligible children within the public health department's service area; direct that a public health department not be disqualified from bidding because the department does not currently offer all services required in the benefit schedule; require one of the equivalent health benefit plans to be a mid-range health benefit coverage plan offered and generally available to state employees, instead of a health benefit plan of nonspecified range; limit administrative costs to 10% of applicable program costs; require the Trust fund to administer any savings from the implementation of KCHIP through managed care and use those savings to provide state matching funds for any enhanced federal funds available under Title 21; require KCHIP to include a system of outreach and referral for children who may be eligible for the program; require the program to work with the Medicaid Department, Social Insurance Department, schools, pediatricians, public health departments, and other interested entities; require the Cabinet to include in the KCHIP state plan provisions for a preventive health insurance program for children with no copayment, deductible, coinsurance, or premium; require the plan to include preventive dental services, tooth extraction, and emergency dental services.
HFA (1, T. Burch) - Provide that the Cabinet's inclusion of a preventive health insurance program for children with no copayment, deductible, coinsurance, or premium in the state's plan submission for Title 21 funding be as permitted by federal law.
Jan 12-introduced in Senate
Jan 13-to Health and Welfare (S)
Mar 4-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute
Mar 5-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendments (1) and (2) filed to the Committee Substitute
Mar 9-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for March 10, 1998
Mar 10-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day
Mar 11-passed over and retained in the Orders of the Day; floor amendment (3) filed to Committee Substitute
Mar 12-3rd reading, floor amendment (1) withdrawn; floor amendment (2) defeated; passed 36-0 with Committee Substitute and floor amendment (3)
Mar 13-received in House
Mar 16-to Health and Welfare (H)
Mar 17-posted in committee
Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute
Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules
Mar 25-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for March 26, 1998
Mar 26-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute
Mar 30-3rd reading, passed 94-0 with Committee Substitute and floor amendment (1)
Mar 31-received in Senate; posted for passage for concurrence in House amendments on March 31, 1998; Senate concurred in House Committee Substitute and House floor amendment (1); passed 31-0
Apr 1-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer, delivered to Governor
Apr 2-signed by Governor