98RS SB248


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SB 248/LM (BR 1692) - V. Moore

     AN ACT relating to law enforcement.
     Create a new section of KRS Chapter 61 to permit public police departments, sheriff's offices, and the Kentucky State Police, and special local peace officers employed by the property owner to enforce state laws on private property upon agreement with the property owner on property owners' association and to set limits thereon.


     SCS - Retain the original provisions of the bill, except amend KRS 189.010 by expanding the definition of "highway" to include private roads and parking lots covered by the agreement, as set forth in the bill.
     HFA (1, J. Barrows) - Specify that agreements between private property owners and law enforcement are for traffic and motor vehicle laws only.
     HFA (2, M. Brown) - Provide agreements for patrol of private residential communities rather than on private property.
     HFA (3, M. Brown) - Limit public police patrols, permitted in the bill, to patrols of residential property.

     Feb 2-introduced in Senate
     Feb 3-to State and Local Government (S)
     Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute
     Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules
     Mar 2-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for March 3, 1998
     Mar 3-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with Committee Substitute
     Mar 4-received in House
     Mar 5-to State Government (H)
     Mar 13-posted in committee
     Mar 17-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar
     Mar 18-2nd reading, to Rules
     Mar 24-floor amendment (1) filed; recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)
     Mar 25-floor amendments (2) and (3) filed; taken from Committee, placed in the Orders of the Day
     Mar 26-3rd reading, passed 83-12 with floor amendments (1), (2) and (3)
     Mar 27-received in Senate
     Apr 1-posted for passage for concurrence in House amendments on April 1, 1998; Senate concurred in House floor amendments (1) (2) and (3); passed 28-0
     Apr 2-enrolled, signed by each presiding officer, delivered to Governor
     Apr 14-signed by Governor

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