SB 165 (BR 1689) - J. Denton
AN ACT relating to health benefit plans.
Create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to permit insurers offering health benefit plans to offer as an option catastrophic plans that exclude any or all state-mandated benefits; require the plan to be designed to provide necessary coverage in the event of catastrophic illness or injury and to meet minimum requirements established by the commissioner of insurance; direct the commissioner to compile and maintain a list of state-mandated and federally mandated benefits; require the policyholder to sign a disclosure statement that lists the benefits mandated to be covered by state law and the mandated benefits that are excluded in the policy; require the insurer to retain the statement, or an electronic copy, for a reasonable period of time established by the commissioner.
Feb 9-introduced in Senate
Feb 12-to Banking and Insurance (S)