00RS HB229


WWW Version

HB 229/LM/CI (BR 248) - J. Turner

     AN ACT relating to working of prisoners in county jails.
     Amend KRS 441.127 to permit prisoners in county jails who work in the jail or on public projects to earn credit on the basis of one day's credit toward release for each day worked rather than one day's credit for each five days worked.


     HCS/LM/CI - Delete proposal for one sentence credit for each day's work by a prisoner in the county jail and replace it with three day's of sentence credit lessens the sentence by one day.

     (Prefiled by the sponsor(s))

     Jan 4-introduced in House; to Judiciary (H)
     Jan 12-posting waived
     Jan 13-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute
     Jan 14-2nd reading, to Rules
     Jan 18-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, January 19, 2000
     Jan 19-3rd reading, passed 88-10 with Committee Substitute
     Jan 20-received in Senate
     Jan 24-to Judiciary (S)

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