03RS HB546


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HB 546 (BR 1429) - T. Riner

     AN ACT relating to claims of medical malpractice.
     Establish KRS Chapter 420, relating to claims of medical malpractice, and provide for prelitigation medical malpractice review panels to screen claims of medical malpractice, and to provide an attorney fee schedule in medical malpractice cases; require Department of Insurance, Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure, and Medical Schools at the Universities of Kentucky and Louisville to submit an annual report to the General Assembly on educational initiatives to lower the instances of medical malpractice and the claims therefor; create a new section of KRS Chapter 27A to provide that the Administrative Office of the Courts shall oversee and administer the medical malpractice review panels; provide that the Act shall apply to all medical malpractice claims filed on or after January 1, 2004.

     Feb 18-introduced in House
     Feb 19-to Judiciary (H)

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