Actions over bona fides of candidates, preference to be given - SB 54
Attorney fee, usury case - SB 64; HB 274
Case submission, jury duties after - SB 168
Certified court security officers - SB 153; HB 427
Challenging the bona fides of a candidate, procedure for - SB 54: SCS (1),(2), SCA (1); HB 131: SFA (1)
Child support, increase minimum amount of - HB 369
proceeding, jury trial for - HB 236
proceeding, when pay required - SB 72
Contempt, failure to perform jury service - HB 425
penalty task force, established - HCR 88
Penalty, abolition of - HB 200
Durable power of attorney - HB 275
Employer's duties, jury service - HB 423
Identity theft, court order - SB 39
Juvenile code, definitions - HB 358: HFA (1)
Medicaid fraud, civil proceedings for - HB 477
Names, petition for change, restrictions - SB 3; SB 3: SCS
status judge program - HB 465: HCS
status judge program, sunsetting of - HB 465
Sexual offenses, noncontact, restraining order - HB 322
of parental rights, counsel fees - SB 141: SFA (1)
Testimony, violent offense, child victim or witness of - SB 31
Trials, time frame, cost of detention - SB 173; HB 551
Visitation, minor children and allegations of abuse or neglect - HB 20