SB 2/FN (BR 367) - D. Kelly, G. Neal, D. Roeding
AN ACT relating to teacher incentives.
Create a new section of KRS 157 to require local school districts, under certain conditions, to provide a salary supplement to teachers of chemistry, physics, or mathematics and to teachers of chemistry, physics, or mathematics employed in schools with a high concentration of students eligible for free or reduced lunch; require the Education Professional Standards Board to promulgate administrative regulations.
SCS - Retain original provisions; add a new section to amend KRS 164.757 to include elementary teachers enrolled in postsecondary education mathematics classes as eligible recipients of the teacher certification loan fund; require the Education Professional Standards Board to establish an accelerated certification program for certified teachers to obtain additional certification in physics, chemistry, or mathematics; allow teachers enrolled in accelerated certification program to be exempt from repayment of loans; make technical corrections.
SFA (1, E. Scorsone) - Delete all provisions of SB 2/SCS; direct the Legislative Research Commission (LRC) to establish a Task Force on Differentiated Compensation for Teachers; set forth the membership of the task force; require the task force to conduct a study of differentiated compensation for teachers; require the task force to submit a written report to the LRC by December 1, 2008.
SFA (2, E. Scorsone) - Delete all provisions of SB 2; direct the Legislative Research Commission (LRC) to establish a Task Force on Differentiated Compensation for Teachers; set forth the membership of the task force; require the task force to conduct a study of differentiated compensation for teachers; require the task force to submit a written report to the LRC by December 1, 2008.
Feb 6-introduced in Senate
Feb 8-to Education (S)
Feb 13-taken from committee; laid on clerk's desk; taken from clerk's desk; 1st reading, to Calendar
Feb 14-2nd reading; returned to Education (S); floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute, floor amendment (2) filed
Feb 15-reported favorably, to Rules with Committee Substitute ; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, February 16
Feb 16-3rd reading; floor amendment (1) defeated ; floor amendment (2) withdrawn ; passed 26-7 with Committee Substitute
Feb 21-received in House
Feb 26-to Appropriations & Revenue (H)
Feb 28-posted in committee
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