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Civil Actions


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Abortion, requirements and prohibitions relating to - SB 40: SCS (1),(2); HB 544: SFA (2)
Adoption, international, attorney fees - HB 451
possession of state property, accrued claims exempted from prohibition - HB 641: HFA (1),(2),(3)
possession of State property, prohibition against - HB 641
Case submission, jury duties after - HB 558
custody, visitation, relocation of principal residence of child - HB 383
sexual assault or abuse, civil statute of limitations for - HB 367: HFA (2)
support, arrearages, statute of limitation - HB 405
support, collection of unpaid amounts - HB 405: HFA (1)
support, continue through high school, regardless of child's age - HB 196
Comparative fault, third-party defendants, statute of limitations for - HB 643
Competency proceedings, allow bench trial - HB 129
Consortium, loss of, action for - SB 247; HB 297
Court costs, increase for supervised child visitation - SB 119
as a defendant, requirement for - HB 492
as defendant, requirement for - SB 223
Dating violence, availability of domestic violence protective orders - HB 161
Deputy circuit court clerks, supplemental compensation - HB 586
Direct care staff, ICF/MR resident, failure to supervise, penalties - HB 201; HB 201: SCS (2), SFA (1), HCS
Discovery, Uniform Interstate Deposition and Discovery Act - SB 174: SCS
relations records, confidentiality of - HB 199
violence hearings, procedure for - HB 376
violence order, prohibit firearm possession, surrender of firearms - HB 353
violence order, venue, transfer - SB 74
violence, of protection, availability of orders - SB 108
violence, protective orders, issuance and transfer - HB 546
Emergency protective orders, procedure for - HB 376
Eminent domain, fence replacement - HB 699
Execution on investment securities, updated references - HB 708
Fiduciary liability, gender equality, provision for - SB 218; HB 557
Financial institution penalty - HB 499
Funeral expenses of child, require child support obligor to pay proportion of - HB 261
Health care employees, retaliation prohibited - HB 602
Illegal taking of fish and wildlife, civil penalties for, increase - HB 680
Insurance examinations, admissibility of documents pertaining to - HB 590: HCS
Joint tortfesors, effect of release - HB 142
Judgement, change rate of interest on - HB 173
Judgment, interest rate, modification of - HB 332
Medicaid fraud, civil proceedings for - HB 691
Medical malpractice, constitutional amendment - HB 709
fuel for motor vehicles and motorboats, civil liability for retail theft of - SB 136; SB 136: SFA (1)
fuel, notice of nonpayment and civil liability for retail theft of - SB 136: HFA (1)
Partial birth abortion - SB 4
determination of - HB 685: HFA (1)
determination, evidence, and venue, clarification and updating of - HB 685
Pilot project, opening of court proceedings, dependency and parental rights - HB 421
Recreational use agreements, limits on land owner liability, limitation on - SB 196: HFA (3); HB 196: HFA (1)
Retailer, claims against - HB 346
Silicosis or mixed-dust claims - HB 719
Small claims, jurisdiction increase - HB 280
Spousal maintenance, automatic payment of - SB 61
Statute of limitations, civil action for childhood sexual assault or abuse - SB 151: HFA (1)
Surety and cosurety, joint creditor - HB 556
Trustees, compensation of - HB 615; HB 615: HFA (1)

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