LRC Seal

State Employees


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Active duty or training, employee right to return to work after - HB 134: HFA (2)
health, peace officer stipulations - HB 465: HCS
health, set out peace officer duties - HB 465: SFA (2)
Appointment, cabinet secretary, Health & Family Services - SB 133
for Health & Family Services, Protection and Permanency employee training requirements - HB 454: HFA (1)
for Health and Family Services, employee training - HB 454
Casino gaming moneys, distribution of - HB 550
Closed meetings, restrict membership in organizations which hold - HB 113
branch ethics code, mandatory ethics training for certain officials and employees - HB 387
branch ethics code, various changes in - HB 250: SCS
branch ethics commission investigations, confidential until a final order - HB 250: HFA (3)
branch ethics, post-employment restriction - HB 250: HFA (1)
Branch Ethics, various changes - HB 250: CCR
branch ethics, various provisions - HB 250
officers, definition of and limitations on - HB 134; HB 134: HCS
Guardians ad litem, mandatory training - HCR 97
Public Employees Deferred Compensation Authority, authorize investment advice program - HB 697
Public Employees Deferred Compensation Authority, housekeeping changes - HB 697
Retirement Systems, establishment of new benefit structure for new hires - HB 600: SCS
Leave, unpaid for parent-teacher conferences - HB 368
organ donation, leave time for - SB 35
organ donation, tax credit for - HB 234
Merit system, protections - HB 134: HCS
Misuse of state resources for private business purposes, prohibition against - HB 250: HFA (4)
Nonelected agency employee, participation requirement - HB 470
Optional dental and vision insurance, repeal of - HB 633
Prescription drug importation, request information from the FDA - HB 7: HCS
Presidents' Day, optional holiday - SB 178
Probation and parole employees, salary increase for - HB 155
Promotional or reclassification salaries of - HB 480
advocate, deputy public advocate, selection, salary - HB 642
Employees Health Insurance Plan, notice to General Assembly of transfer of surplus funds - HB 321: HFA (1)
Employees Health Insurance Program, plan administration and reporting - HB 321: HCS
Retirement high-three final compensation and 2.2 percent benefit factor window extension - HB 53
establishment of new benefit structure for new hires in KERS - HB 600
high-three final compensation and 2.2 percent benefit factor window extension - HB 653; HB 653: HFA (1)
option for payment by check - HB 457
School board member, service credit for retirement - HB 562
Sick Leave Bank program, creation of and participation in - HB 6
security number as employee identification, substitution for - SB 10
workers, Department for Community Based Services, training requirements - HB 454: HCS
employee Sick Leave Bank, creation of and participation in - HB 6: HCS
officers, post-employment restrictions - HB 250: HFA (5)
veterinarian, animal health, requirements governing - HB 465
Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 81
Branch Budget, appropriation of - HB 406; HB 406: SCS, HCS, HFA (1),(2), FCCR
Use of state resources for political campaign purposes, prohibition against - HB 250: HFA (4)
Veterans hiring preference, expansion of - HB 57
Wages and expenses, electronic transfer of funds - HB 45: HFA (1)
Wages, electronic transfer of funds - HB 45

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