LRC Seal

Taxation, Income--Corporate


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Apportionment, sales factor - SB 84; HB 258
Community rehabilitation tax credit - HB 21
Cooperative income tax returns, clarify the due date of - HB 704
Credit for unsold homes held by builders - HB 565
Diesel engine conversion tax credit, established - HB 214
Educational scholarship tax credit, established - HB 160
efficient systems, ENERGY STAR housing, tax credit - HB 2
incentives, carbon capture ready, amend definition to include compression - HB 93
Federal tax system, direct a study of the impact of proposed changes - HCR 86
industry tax credit - HB 262: SCS
industry tax incentives, technical corrections - HB 756: HCS
industry, tax incentives, provide - HB 756
paid for overpayments and underpayments - HB 693
paid, modify accrual of - HB 568
Kentucky Prosperity Act tax credit, establish - HB 730
liability entity tax, change exclusion and phase-in provisions - HB 258: HFA (2)
liability entity tax, limited to years before 2008 - HB 258: HFA (1)
liability entity tax, repeal of - HB 26
Motion picture tax credits - HB 251: SCS
New markets program, tax credits for - HB 773
Passenger airline, apportionment formula - HB 258: HFA (3)
Railroad improvement tax credits, establish - HB 532
Refund claims limited - HB 751
Renewable energy facility, lower minimum capital investment - HB 92
Residential energy incentives, create corporate income tax credits - HB 149
Revenue, energy incentives, corporate, income tax credits - HB 268
Small business tax credit, creation of - HB 38
Tax credits, work opportunity and earned income - HB 592
Wellness project credit - HB 739

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