Charter School Advisory Council, creation of - HB 108: SCS; SB 257

Citizen foster care review board, duties expanded - HB 1; HB 1: HCS, SCS, SFA (2)

Governor, power to appoint to - SB 233

Milk for manufacturing advisory board, abolishment of, confirm Executive Order 2017-0715 - HB 108: SFA (2)

Occupational licensing regulations, agency review of - HB 50

Physician Assistants Controlled Substance Monitoring Committee, creation - HB 228

Prescribing Boards Advisory Council, creation of - HB 465

Read to Achieve Council, creation of - HB 108: SCS; SB 257

School Curriculum, Assessment, and Accountability Council, repeal of - HB 108: SCS; SB 257
