WWW Version
Animal abuse offender registry fund, creation of - HB 417
Break the Silence special license plate, appropriation of EF fees for - HB 123
CDL testing, fees - HB 606
Claims against the Commonwealth, appropriating funds for - HB 334
Constitutional amendment, General Assembly, budget special session, compensation suspended - HB 57
- lenses and visual aid glasses dispensing, penalty increase - HB 191: HCS, HFA (1), HFA (4), HFA (5), SFA (2), SFA (3), SFA (4)
- lenses dispensing, penalty increase - HB 191: HFA (2), HFA (3)
County tobacco cessation, establish fund for - SB 29
Department of Parks, voluntary contributions with vehicle registration, collection - HB 331
DNA, sample collection at arraignment, requiring - SB 84; HB 178
Dogs and cats, torture recovery fund - HB 276
- Read to Read special license plate, appropriation, removal - HB 367: SFA (2)
- Ready to Read special license plate, appropriation of EF fees for - SB 271; HB 367
- trust fund, creating - SB 271; HB 367
Emergency revolving school loan fund, school district eligibility for, restriction of - HB 141: HFA (1), HFA (2)
Family Resource and Youth Services Centers, urge exemption from budget cuts - HR 174
Fantasy Contest Fund, establishing - HB 248; HB 248: HFA (1), HFA (2)
Fire departments, volunteer, payments to - HB 95
Fiscal incentive grant fund, creation of - HB 396
FRYSC funding, urge exemption from budget cuts - HR 144
Historic properties endowment trust fund, receipt of certain fines - HB 54
Hybrid and electric vehicles, highway usage fee - HB 45; HB 609
Judicial Branch Budget - HB 203; HB 203: FCCR, HCS, SCS
KCTCS, endowment match fund, $3 million annually - HB 286
- addiction prevention, recovery, and enforcement fund - HB 219; HB 280
- CASA network fund, creation of - SB 204
- Communications Network Authority, general fund - SB 200: HCS
- Community and Technical College special license plate student scholarship fund, creation of - HB 568
- State Police, forensic laboratory, court costs for - HB 600
- enforcement and firefighter funds, fringe benefits - SB 90; SB 90: SCS; HB 140: HCS, SCS
- enforcement professional development and wellness program - HB 68
Legislative Branch Budget - HB 204; HB 204: HCS, SCS
- disproportionate share hospital funds, distribution of - HB 289; HB 289: HFA (1)
- tobacco-related illness reimbursement, establish fund for - SB 29
Motorcycle safety education - SB 122
Multimodal transportation fund, establishment of - HB 609
Murray State University, capital project - SB 61: SCS
Offender registry fund, creation of - HB 600
Pension surcharge on state employment contracts - HB 338
PVA compensation fund, creation of - HB 556
Roll call vote, requirement for - HB 72
- growth fund tax credit - HB 6; HB 6: SCS, SFA (10), SFA (11)
- secondary roads, earmarked portion of gas tax - HB 609: HFA (1)
- speech pathologists or audiologists, requiring supplement for - HB 37
- transportation funding fee, imposed on the sale of fuel - HB 211
SEEK funds, transfer to emergency revolving school loan fund account - HB 141: HCS
Sex offender registrants, registration fee for - HB 206
Small farm wineries support fund, changes to - HB 119; HB 119: HCS
Sports wagering tax - SB 22; HB 536
STEM teacher scholarship pilot program, establishment of - HB 253
Substance use disorder treatment and recovery services, mothers and children, grant program - HB 423; HB 423: HCS
Supplemental payments to police and firefighters - HB 461
Transportation Cabinet Budget - HB 201; HB 201: HCS, SCS
TVA in-lieu-of-tax payments, direction to economic development activities - SB 9; HB 114; HB 114: HCS
Underfunded pension trust fund, wholesale alcohol sales, tax increase - HB 82
Unexpended SEEK funds, transfer to emergency revolving school loan fund account - HB 141
University of Louisville, capital project - SB 70
Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship Fund, creation of - SB 231