Civil Actions
WWW Version
Adoption, unified application for placement, creation of - SB 43
Advertisers, sex trafficking, advocate for change in federal civil immunity - HCR 93; HCR 93: HCS; HR 94; SR 104; SCR 105
Attorney solicitation, statute of limitations for actions asserting. - HB 503
Attorney's fees, limit in certain cases to 33% - SB 20: SFA (3)
Building code, violations of - SB 207
Cause of action, failure to remove explicit image from website if requested by the person depicted - HB 71: HCS
Community Property Trust Act, creation of - HB 288
Continuance, payment of costs, make provisions gender-neutral - SB 206
Creditor's claim, time period for - HB 288
- marriages involving minor children, one-year delay - HB 269
- marriages involving minor children, require divorce and co-parenting education - HB 269
DNA cases, appointment of counsel, fee for - HB 561
Errors or omissions by athlete agents, damages for - SB 228
Extreme risk protective order, firearms prohibition, petition for - HB 544
Fees and expenses, medical review panel, payment of - SB 141
Franklin Circuit Court, changes in jurisdiction - HB 515
Grandparents, visitation rights as to grandchildren - SB 145; HB 517
Guardian ad litem in divorce cases, spouse incarcerated for crime against other spouse, payment of - SB 68
Immunity from civil liability, expand to include removal of domestic animal from a vehicle - SB 24
Immunity, vehicle damage, removal of dog or cat in danger of death - SB 8
- fraud, private cause of action, requirement of - HB 323: HFA (1), HFA (2)
- fraud, private cause of action, requirements for - HB 323: SCS
- fraud, private cause of action, requiring - HB 323
Kentucky addiction prevention, recovery, and enforcement fund, direct litigation revenues - HB 219; HB 280
Liens against real estate, release of - HB 462
Limitation on recovery for injuries or death, constitutional amendment for - SB 2: SCS
Limiting recovery for injuries or death, proposing constitutional amendment - SB 2
Local firearms ordinances and restrictions, exemptions from restrictions - HB 189
Marriage, minimum age, raising, petitioning process - SB 48
- malpractice actions, filing requirements and limit attorney fees - SB 20
- malpractice actions, statements of compassion, inadmissibility of - SB 20
- record copying fees, exemptions - SB 20: SFA (2)
Personal jurisdiction over nonresidents, expansion of - HB 49
Planning and zoning enforcement action, appeal, court costs, attorney fees - HB 322
Power of attorney, requirements for - HB 11; HB 11: HCS, HFA (1), HFA (2)
Religious organizations, protecting - HB 372; HB 372: HCS
Seven day notice requirement, termination of tenancy - HB 378
Sexual harassment, enforcement of arbitration agreements in civil matters involving - HB 500
Successor corporations, asbestos-related liability, limitation - HB 245
Trust, amendment of instrument creating - HB 288
- Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, adoption of - SB 194
- Real Property Transfer on Death Act, adoption of - HB 94