Constitution, Ky.
WWW Version
Abortion, constitutional amendment, no right created - HB 473
Administrative regulations, General Assembly, final approval or disapproval of - HB 10
- appellate judges, appointed by Governor - HB 44
- crime victims' bill of rights, propose creation of - SB 3
- contingent on ratification, effect of bill - HB 43
- legislative power vested in ALEC, Chambers of Commerce, Koch Brothers - HB 571
Constable, amendment allowing legislative body of county to abolish office of - HB 137
- amendment, abolish House of Representatives and Senate - HB 571
- amendment, application of foreign law, prohibiting to protect rights - SB 229
Convention, proposal to call for purpose of revising or amending Kentucky Constitution - HB 76
Crime Victims' Bill of Rights, implementation of constitutional amendment - SB 30
- Court judge, licensed attorney time requirement, increasing - HB 472
- Court judges, term of office, extension of - HB 472
Drone surveillance or use of armed drones by certain entities, prohibition - HB 22
- of statewide constitutional officers, change to even-numbered years - SB 4; HB 23
- of statewide constitutional officers, change to even-numbered years, begin 2022 - HB 23: HFA (1)
- Assembly, budget special session, compensation for services, suspension of - HB 57
- Assembly, eligibility age for members - HB 250
- Assembly, terms of members, limitation on - HB 163
- Assembly, terms of members, limiting - HB 73
- on recovery for injuries or death, amendment for - SB 2: SCS
- on recovery for injuries or death, proposing amendment - SB 2
- tax, homestead exemption, disabled veterans - HB 408
- tax, homestead exemption, disabled veterans, proposed amendment - SB 40; HB 79
Proposed constitutional amendment, clarify ballot question - SB 2: SFA (1)
Repeal various sections, abolition of House of Representatives and Senate - HB 571
Restoration of voting rights, constitutional process of granting - SB 266
Section 233A, repeal of - HB 179
- rights for felons, constitutional amendment to provide - SB 173
- rights, prohibitions relating to - HB 376