Corrections Impact
WWW Version
Age of consent, offenders 10 years older than victims prohibited - HB 101
- in the third degree, contact with bodily fluids - HB 193
- in the third degree, peace officers, contact with bodily fluids - HB 193: HCS, SCS
- on a service animal, first degree, inclusion of assistance animals - HB 442
- weapon, under 21, banning sale to or ownership of - HB 498
Capital offense, executions, mental illness - SB 107; SB 107: SCS
Casino gaming, licensing for - HB 41
Cell phones, possession in jail - HB 207
Cellular communications facilities, include in definition of key infrastructure assets - HB 324: HCS
Contractors, extend protection to - HB 22: SCS
Controlled substances, theft, by caregiver - HB 110: HCS
Crime victims leave from employment - HB 268
- attempt to commit murder of a peace officer or firefighter, classification as violent offen - HB 61
- fleeing, Class C felony, elements of - SB 242
- possession of a forged instrument in the second degree, classify as gross misdemeanor - HB 83
- penalty, child or vulnerable adult victim, aggravating circumstance for - HB 316
- penalty, replacement of with life imprisonment without parole - SB 54; HB 155
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, wine shipment of - SB 244
Direct shipping license, establishment of - HB 580
Domestic violence - SB 133
Drones, trespass upon key ingrastructure assets, prohibiting - HB 324
Early voting, omnibus bill - SB 14
Exploitation, adults, controlled substances - HB 110; HB 110
Extreme rish protective order, firearms prohibition, petition for - HB 544
Felon in possession of firearm, previous conviction, enhanced penalty - SB 210
Firearm accessory, accelerate rate of fire, prohibit sale or transfer - HB 409; HB 602
Fraud crimes, felony threshold, raising of - HB 126
Gang Violence Prevention Act - HB 169; HB 169; HB 169: HCS, HCS, SCS
Human trafficking, conviction, 85 percent service time - SB 258; HB 294
Hunting, use of unmanned aircraft systems, prohibiting - SB 42
Inmate services - SB 133
Inmates, requirements for - SB 133: SCS
- fraud, private cause of action, requirements for - HB 323: SCS
- fraud, range of criminal penalties, establishing - HR 68
Kentucky State Police, animal abuse offender registry, establishment of - HB 417; HB 417
Kidnapping, parole eligibility, set at 85% - SB 240
Life skills programs, allow sentence credits for - HB 529
Masking, prohibit in the commission of a crime - HB 510
Misdemeanor, opioid tax compliance - HB 337
Opiate and opioid agonist drugs, advertising of, prohibiting - HB 225
Parole sanction, in lieu of revocation - HB 457
Permission to fly drones near critical infrastructure, requirement for written consent, removal of - HB 324: SCS
Persistent offenders, life without parole - HB 60
Persons convicted of hate crimes, possession of firearms by - HB 209
Policies on cell phone use, create - HB 207: HCS
Possession of controlled substance, Class A misdemeanor, mandatory drug treatment - HB 62
Pretrial services - SB 133
Probation and parole violators, work release - HB 457
Racial and ethnic community criminal justice and public safety impact statement, require - HB 169: SFA (1)
Rape and sodomy, definition - SB 109
Responsible use cannabis program, establishment - SB 80; SB 80
- crimes against a victim who is a person with an intellectual disability, increase in penalty - SB 19; SB 19: SCS
- offender registrants, living wtih a minor, prohibiting - HB 356
- offender registrants, restriction of - HB 70; HB 70: HCS
- offender registrants, restrictions on - SB 181: SCS
Sexual activity with animals, Class A misdemeanor - SB 239
Sexually explicit images, distribution of without consent - HB 71; HB 71
Specific intent, include in elements of offense - HB 71: SCS
Sports wagering, authorization for - SB 22
State Police, firearm registration and sales, administrative regulations - HB 502
Telephone solicitation using deceptive caller id information, prohibit - HB 514
Terrorism, crime of, capital offense - SB 57
Theft and fraud crimes, raising felony threshold for - HB 396
Torture, offenses involving family members, prohibition of early release for - HB 447
Trespass, simplified remedy for elderly and vunerable - HB 494
Unlawful storage of a firearm, prohibition of - HB 31; SB 184
weapons offense registry, establishment of - HB 410