WWW Version
- pretrial release, certain violations and misdemeanors, required for - SB 133: SCS
- pretrial release, deletion of - SB 133: SFA (1), SFA (2), SFA (5)
Adoption, relative caregiver, rights of indigent parents - SB 256
- action judgment, motion to reopen, requirements of - HB 293
- actions, trust documents and materials, evidence, relevance of - HB 293; HB 293: HCS
Bonds on judicially ordered sales, interest rates on. - HB 407
Certification of necessity, when analysis indicates a need, require - HB 348: SCA (1)
- pornography, trial exhibits, storage by a court - HB 120: SCS
- victim statements, hearsay exception for - SB 137
Clerk of Supreme Court, make provisions gender-neutral - SB 219
Community Property Trust Act, creation of - HB 288
Concealed deadly weapons, permit holders, weapons outside courtrooms - HB 210
Constitutional amendment, application of foreign law, prohibiting to protect rights - SB 229
- costs and fines, installment plan and community service for - HB 396
- of Justice, provide for gender-neutral language - HB 523
De facto custodian rights process, updated - HB 1: HFA (2)
Deadline for Court of Justice candidates filing, changes to - HB 97: FCCR, SCS
Death penalty, replacement of with life imprisonment without parole - SB 54; HB 155
Dependency, neglect, and abuse cases, new requirements established - HB 1; HB 1: HCS, HFA (1), HFA (3), SCS, SFA (2)
Discriminatory jury selection practices, disqualification of prosecutor - SB 174
DNA cases, appointment of counsel, fee for - HB 561
Drug courts, treatment for drug-related offenses, encouraging diversion to - HR 13
Emergency placement of children, criminal history record checks for - HB 301
Filing deadline for candidates seeking public office, changes to - HB 359
Fiscal courts of origin for warrant, cost of incarceration, responsibility of - HB 466
Foster care and adoption cases, new processes established - HB 1; HB 1: HCS, HFA (1), HFA (3), SCS, SFA (2)
Franklin Circuit Court, changes in jurisdiction - HB 515
Gang violence, prevention of - HB 169; HB 169: HCS, HFA (3), SCS
Grandparents, visitation rights as to grandchildren - SB 145; HB 517
Guardianship, court-community partnership, creation of - HJR 33
Health care coverage, child support enforcement - SB 108
Hearing on a petition for permission to marry, person 17 years of age, requirement for - SB 48: SCS
Home incarceration, pretrial, prohibition of - SB 133
Ignition interlock license, requirements for issuance of - SB 255
Insurer indemnification of victim, restitution for - HB 323; HB 323: HFA (1), HFA (2)
Investigation of mismanagment by current and former officers - SB 83
- Branch Budget - HB 203; HB 203: FCCR, HCS, SCS
- circuits and districts, analysis of - SB 10
- Retirement Plan, restricted companies, divestment from - HB 350
Jurisdiction, add list of examples of types of contact which would allow court to exercise - HB 49: HFA (1), HFA (2)
Juror pay and expense allowance, increasing - SB 189
- service, increase in payment and reimbursement for - SB 87
- service, procedure to volunteer for - SB 87: SCS
Kentucky CASA network fund, creation of - SB 204
Legislative Advisory Reapportionment and Redistricting Commission, establishment of - HB 548
Liens against real estate, release of - HB 462
Limitation on recovery for injuries or death, constitutional amendment for - SB 2: SCS
Limiting recovery for injuries or death, proposing constitutional amendment - SB 2
- malpractice actions, statements of compassion, inadmissibility of - SB 20
- review organizations, confidentiality of information on staff with privileges - HB 4; HB 4: HCS, HFA (1), HFA (2); SB 49
- bond, elimination of - SB 133
- bond, limitation, deletion of - SB 133: SFA (1)
- bond, restriction of - HB 396
Nonprofit corporations, actions relating to - HB 443
Obscenity cases, encouraging prosecution of - HR 141; HR 149
- identification cards, addition of holders to list of potential jurors - SB 175
- jurisdiction over nonresidents, expansion of - HB 49
Possession of controlled substance, penalty reduction, mandatory treatment and community service - HB 62
Power of attorney, requirements for - HB 11; HB 11: HCS, HFA (1), HFA (2)
Reallocation of resources, Circuit and District judgeships - HB 348: HCS
Receivership in commercial real estate, procedures and requirements, creating - SB 196
Redistricting, boundary realignment and reallocation of resources - SB 10; HB 348
Restatement of the Law of Liability Insurance, urge nonrecognition of - HR 222
Retired justices and judges, notary public functions - SB 85: HFA (1); HB 262
Seven day notice requirement, termination of tenancy - HB 378
Sex offender registrants, restrictions on - SB 181; SB 181: SCS
Sexual harassment, enforcement of arbitration agreements in civil matters involving - HB 500
Supreme Court Clerk, provide for gender-neutral language - HB 522
Trespass, simplified remedy for elderly and vulnerable - HB 494
- Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, adoption of - SB 194
- Real Property Transfer on Death Act, adoption of - HB 94
Veterans treatment courts, administration of - SB 18
Weapons offense registry, establishment of - HB 410