Courts, Circuit
WWW Version
- Office of the Courts, caseload analysis and proposed redrawing of districts - SB 10
- pretrial release, certain violations and misdemeanors, required for - SB 133: SCS
- pretrial release, deletion of - SB 133: SFA (1), SFA (2), SFA (5)
Adoption, unified application for placement, creation of - SB 43
Appeal to, ruling of Board of Home Inspectors - HB 217
Child pornography, trial exhibits, storage by a court - HB 120: SCS
- costs and fines, installment plan and community service for - HB 396
- of Justice, provide for gender-neutral language - HB 523
Felony expungement, reckless homicide - SB 16
Fifty-fifth Circuit, family court judge, addition of - HB 348: HCS
Fifty-fourth Circuit, family court judge, addition of - HB 348: HCS
Filing fee, application for felony expungement, reduce to $200 - SB 185; HB 377
- Circuit Court, appeals of final orders of Commissioner of Agriculture - HB 170
- Circuit Court, changes in jurisdiction - HB 515
Grandparents, visitation rights as to grandchildren - SB 145
Judicial Branch Budget - HB 203; HB 203: FCCR, HCS, SCS
Juror pay and expense allowance, increasing - SB 189
- members, race, ethnicity, and sex of, tracking and reporting - SB 174
- service, increase in payment and reimbursement for - SB 87; SB 87: SCS
- service, procedure to volunteer for - SB 87: SCS
Liens against real estate, release of - HB 462
Medical malpractice actions, filing requirements and limit attorney fees - SB 20
- bond, elimination of - SB 133
- bond, limitation, deletion of - SB 133: SFA (1)
- bond, restriction of - HB 396
Number of judges, increase - HB 348: HCS
Operator's license, vision testing upon renewal - HB 605
Planning and zoning enforcement action, appeal, court costs, attorney fees - HB 322
Reallocation of resources - HB 348
Redistricting, boundary realignment and reallocation of resources - SB 10
Sex crimes against a victim who is a person with an intellectual disability, increase in penalty - SB 19; SB 19: SCS
- of limitations for discrimination actions under KRS Chapter 344 - HB 355: HFA (1)
- of limitations of 1 year for discrimination actions under KRS Chapter 344 - HB 355: HCS
- of limitations of 300 days for discrimination actions under KRS Chapter 344 - HB 355
Thirty-first Circuit, reduction in judges - HB 348: HCS