Education, Finance
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- grant, allow use for workforce development training programs - HB 247: HFA (3)
- grant funds, allow use for workforce development training programs - SB 231: HFA (6), HFA (7), HFA (8)
Charter school funding - HB 366: SCS
District funding, determination and disbursement of - HB 142
Dual credit scholarship, sunset of - HB 247
Dyslexia trust fund, grants for local schools - SB 271; HB 367
EFF nickel; equalization of - HB 366: SCS
- revolving school loan fund account, appropriation - HB 141: HCS
- revolving school loan fund account, loan eligibility - HB 141
- revolving school loan fund, school district eligibility for, restriction for - HB 141: HFA (1)
- revolving school loan fund, school district eligibility for, restriction of - HB 141: HFA (2)
Family Resource and Youth Services Centers, urge exemption from budget cuts - HR 174
Foundation for Adult Education, transfer to Office of Adult Education - HB 552
FRYSC funding, urge exemption from budget cuts - HR 144
KCTCS, endowment match - HB 286
- allow use for qualified workforce training program - SB 231: HFA (1), HFA (2), HFA (4); HB 247; HB 247: HFA (3)
- allowing use for qualified workforce training program - HB 535
- award, expenses eligible for - HB 247: HFA (1)
- awards, financial aid calculation for - HB 247: HFA (2), HFA (4), HFA (5)
- awards, require adjustment for financial aid - SB 231: HFA (1); HB 247
- awards, use for dual credit - SB 231: HFA (1); HB 247
- require FAFSA completion to receive - SB 231: HFA (1); HB 247; HB 247: HFA (3)
- requirement of FAFSA completion, beginning date to - HB 247: HFA (2)
- revise base awards - SB 231: HFA (1); HB 247
- Educational Collaborative for State Agency Children, eligibility for - HB 360
- Peer Support Network Project, secure grant funding for - SJR 52: SCS
Murray State University, capital project - SB 61: SCS
Property tax, consolidated local government assessment moratorium program, participation of - SB 247
Public universities, tuition exemption, application requirements for - HB 453
Sanctuary institution, state funding from, withholding of - HB 240
Scholarship tax credit, creation - HB 6: SFA (1); SB 36; HB 134
Special education, add-on funding, to be withheld - SB 254
Speech pathologists or audiologists, requiring supplement for - HB 37
STEM teacher scholarship pilot program, establishment of - HB 253
- fee, Kentucky Community and Technical College System - HB 366: SCS
- loan, default of, impact on professional licenses - SB 105
Taxes, equivalent rate levy, restriction on - HB 117
Transportation cost, reimbursement for transportation of foster child residing in another district - HB 527; HB 527: HCS
- exemption in 529 plan, primary and secondary school, expand to - HB 434
- freeze, Eastern Kentucky University, honoring President Michael Benson for - SR 118
- freeze, University of Louisville, honoring Interim President Dr. Greg Postel - SR 86
University of Louisville, capital project - SB 70
- Ready Kentucky Scholarship, award amounts - SB 231: SCS
- Ready Kentucky Scholarship, creation of - SB 231
- Ready Kentucky Scholarship, participating institutions - SB 231: SCS
- Ready Scholarship, eligibility for dual credit courses - SB 231: HFA (1), HFA (2)
- Ready Scholarship, eligibility for technology teachers - SB 231: HFA (1), HFA (2)