Active military and veterans, professional licenses, issuance of - HB 319

CAP grant, allow use for workforce development training programs - HB 247: HFA (3)

Estheticians, education required for - HB 47

Instruction in voting, annual requirement of, submission of report relating thereto - SB 265

KCTCS, honoring - HR 204; SR 235

Office of Adult Education, creation of - HB 552

Public charter schools, delaying implementation of - HB 321

Schools of nursing, fine for failure to maintain standards - HB 427; HB 427: HCS, SCS

Tuition exemption in 529 plan, primary and secondary school, expand to - HB 434

Work Ready Scholarship, eligibility for technology teachers - SB 231: HFA (1), HFA (2)

Workforce development training programs, allow CAP grant funds to be used for - SB 231: HFA (6), HFA (7), HFA (8)