Appellate judges, appointment of - HB 44

Boards and commissions, power to appoint to - SB 233

Comments concerning teachers, condemning - HR 335; HR 336

Contracts for legal services, approval process - HB 198: HFA (2)

County consolidation, appointment necessary to - HB 125

Day of prayer for students, proclamation of - HB 40

Election, change time to even-numbered years - HB 23

Elections of governing bodies of certain districts, filling of vacancies - HB 186

Felony expungement, reckless homicide, partial pardons - SB 16

Filing deadline for candidates seeking public office, changes to - HB 359

Gender-neutral language, addition of - HB 524

Governor designee, Department of Agriculture, commissioner, waiver of ASTM standards, motor fuels - HB 241: HCS

National Guard armories, as warming centers, request the opening of - HR 24

Occupational board members, appointment of - HB 465

Prices during a state of emergency, gubernatorial declaration, restrictions of - SB 160

Public assets and programs, naming, restrictions on - HB 86

Replace Governor Designee with Commissioner of Agriculture or Secretary of EEC - HB 241: HFA (1)

School board members, selection of - HB 242

State/Executive Branch Budget - HB 200; HB 200: FCCR, HCS, SCS

Tax collection contract, bonus payment structure, prohibition of - HB 78

Transportation Cabinet Budget - HB 201; HB 201: HCS, SCS