Agencies, reporting requirements for - HB 50

Article V, amend U.S. Constitution, enforcement of, delegate actions, selection, oath, notifications - HB 282

Child welfare oversight and advisory committee, establish - HB 1; HB 1: HCS, SCS, SFA (2)

City financial information, receipt of - HB 310

Designation of appropriation or revenue measure, requirement for - HB 72

Economic Development Incentive Review Board, establishment - HB 432

Electronic recording, appoint task force to review - HB 266: SCS

Emergency administrative regulations, changes to procedures regarding - HB 130: HCS

Employees, pay equity statistics, information to Secretary of Personnel - HB 297

Executive orders, procedures for - SB 200

House and Senate chambers, sign language interpretation in, provision for - SB 21

Investigation of mismanagement by current and former officers - SB 83

Kentucky Committee on Legislative Redistricting, establishing - SB 166

Mileage-Based Transportation Funding Task Force, creation of - HCR 18

Model Procurement Code, enforcement of - SB 83

Notaries public, appoint task force to review - HCR 250; HB 266: SFA (1)

Occupational boards and commissions, annual reports from - HB 465

Public Service Commission, reliable energy sales, report every five years - HB 448

Racial impact statements, requiring - HB 169: HFA (1); SB 230; HB 492

Receipt of annual report, instruction in voting and voter registration, secondary schools - SB 265

Rural growth fund tax credit, annual reports - HB 6; HB 6: SCS, SFA (10), SFA (11)

Sexual harassment policy for employees, establishment of - HB 449

Staff, ethics training, requiring - HB 404
