Military Affairs and Civil Defense
WWW Version
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, minimum required score - HB 588
Armories, open as warming centers, use of - HR 24
ASVAB, schools to offer test, grades 10 to 12 - HB 75: SCS; HB 362
Certificate of training, requirement for - HB 588
Drone surveillance by certain entities, military training exemption - HB 22
Employment protection for National Guard members, clarification of - HB 291
Evans, Billy C, adjourn in recognition and honor of - HR 127
Fort Knox, honoring and commemorating, founding of - HR 121
Gender-neutral language, addition of - SB 168
Junior ROTC programs, support the standards of - HCR 87
Pensions, income tax deduction for - HB 192; HB 491
Post-traumatic stress injury, day and month, designation of - HR 38
Service members, teaching certificate, requirements for - HB 586
State/Executive Branch Budget - HB 200; HB 200: FCCR, HCS, SCS
United States First Army, 100th anniversary, recognizing - HR 258; SR 266
Veteran-owned businesses, fees applying to - HB 319: HCS, SFA (1)