Angel investor tax credit, annual reports - HB 6: SCS, SFA (11); HB 75: SFA (1)

Biennial implementation plan, retail electric suppliers, compliance with reliability standard - HB 448

Commission on Children with Special Health Needs, report upon request - SB 96; SB 96: HCS, SCS

Department of Education, emergency revolving school loan fund account report - HB 141

Dispensing of prescription drugs under Medicaid, upon request to Governor and LRC - SB 96

Dyslexia trust fund, Department of Education to report - SB 271; HB 367

Farms to Foodbanks Advisory Committee, annual expenditure plan update, requirement removed - HB 150

Highly skilled employee tax credit, creation of, Department of Revenue report - HB 541

Immediate detention following opioid overdose, annual report to Legislative Research Commission - HB 428: HCS, HFA (1)

Investment fund tax credit, annual reports - HB 6: SCS, SFA (11); HB 75: SFA (1)

Kentucky Department of Education, Kentucky Peer Support Network Project funding, annual report - SJR 52: SCS

Medically fragile individuals with neurological behavioral disorders, establishing task force - SB 251

Occupational licensing regulations, agency review of - HB 50

Prescription drugs, dispensing under Medicaid, upon request to Governor and LRC - SB 96: HCS, SCS

Rural growth fund tax credit, annual reports - HB 6; HB 6: SCS, SFA (10), SFA (11)

Scholarship tax credit - HB 6: SFA (1); SB 36; HB 134

Substance use disorder, licensure and quality standards for treatment and recovery services - HB 124: SCS
