Taxation, Sales and Use
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Bees and beekeeping supplies, exemption for - HB 121
Certain exemptions, elimination - HB 569
Charitable gaming supplies and equipment, exemption - HB 520
Construction contractor, exemption - SB 205
Feminine hygiene products, diapers, wipes, bottles, breast pumps, exemption - HB 236
Film industry incentive applications, suspension of - HB 366: HCS
Gender neutrality, conform to - SB 213
Gross receipts, tangible personal property tax recovery fee, exclusion of - HB 436
Motion picture and tourism development incentives; suspended - HB 366: SCS
Rate, modification of - HB 599
Retailer, redefining to exclude travel or accommodations intermediary, August 1, 2018 - HB 351
Revenue measures, modification of - HB 487: SCS
Tax expenditures, reform of - HB 585; HB 599
Tourism incentive applications, suspension of - HB 366: HCS
Use tax collection, remote sellers, August 1, 2018 - HB 389
Wholesale tax, microbrewers payment of - HB 136; HB 136: HCS