Tax incentive, long-term care insurance - SR 18; HR 11 |
Appropriate funds for Kentucky Kare in FY 1997-98 - SB 1: HCS |
Comprehensive health insurance plan - SB 1; HB 5 |
Delete |
Expert witnesses in rate hearings - SB 1: HFA(31) |
Increase general fund appropriation - SB 1: SFA(15) |
Lottery proceeds to the state employee benefit fund - SB 1: HFA(36) |
Special session costs - HB 1 |
Expert witnesses in rate hearings - SB 1: HFA(31) |
Health insurance rate intervention - SB 1: HFA(14),(30) |
Insurance rate intervention - SB 1: SFA(14) |
Cox, Dr. Gary S., commending - SR 9 |
Crime Prevention Month, recognizing - SR 15; HR 12 |
du Pont Manual Magnet High School, commending - SR 10 |
Hopkins, Myrtle, commending - SR 8 |
Hughes, Kelsey, honoring - HR 10 |
Kentucky public education system, national award, honoring for winning - SR 16; HR 14 |
National 4-H Week, commending - SR 12 |
Public, private, and home school partnerships, commending and encouraging - HR 16 |
Siler, Charles L., commending - HR 9 |
Smith, Kelli L., commending - SR 14 |
University of Kentucky football team, honoring - SR 7 |
WKYT-TV, commending - HR 4 |
Yeast, Craig, commending - SR 20 |
Free conference, SB 1 - SB 1: FCCR |
SB 1 - SB 1: CCR |
Health |
Insurance health coverage - HB 2 |
Ky Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan, riders - SB 1: SFA(25) |
Health insurance access - SB 1: SFA(4) |
Premiums, savings from rebates - SB 1: HFA(57) |
Kentucky public education system, national award, honoring for winning - SR 16; HR 14 |
Public, private, and home school partnerships, commending and encouraging - HR 16 |
Health |
September 30, 1997 - HB 1 |
Payment for emergency medical services - SB 1: HFA(43) |
Employee benefit fund, appropriation from the lottery - SB 1: HFA(36) |
Funds for program, generated from - SB 1: HFA(39) |
Health |
Limit administrative costs, reporting - SB 1: SFA(7) |
Money transfer, health plan fund - SB 1: HFA(40) |
Special session costs - HB 1 |
Adjournment, sine die - SCR 27; HCR 21 |
Governor, committee to wait upon, appointment of - SR 2; HR 3 |
House Rules, adoption of - HR 1 |
Ky Kare Plan, rate freeze - SB 1: HFA(67) |
Medicaid savings report - SB 1: HFA(62) |
Pastors, |
Senate Rules, adoption of - SR 1 |
Special session costs, appropriation for - HB 1 |
Tax incentive, long-term care insurance - SR 18; HR 11 |
Biennial |
Delete provisions relating to certificate of need - SB 1: HFA(1),(63) |
Establish three health insurance plans - SB 1: SFA(21) |
Health utilization review, made by a Ky. licensed physician - SB 1: SFA(16) |
Insurance health coverage - HB 2 |
Low income persons, health benefit plan coverage - SB 1: HFA(62) |
Managed care savings - SB 1: HFA(54) |
Medicaid, surcharge for non-emergency care - SB 1: SFA(5) |
Payment for emergency medical services - SB 1: HFA(43) |
Premiums, savings from rebates - SB 1: HFA(42) |
Tax deduction for - SB 1: HFA(19) |
Health benefit plan services, Medicaid financing - SB 1: HFA(54) |
Health insurance, funding for high risk plan - SB 1: SFA(22) |
Health, |
Premiums, savings from rebates - SB 1: HFA(57) |
Administrative costs - SB 1: HFA(9) |
Allow individual with expenditures over $1,000,000 to apply for additional coverage - SB 1: SFA(8) |
Amend |
Amnesty for insurers that left the state - SB 1: HFA(45) |
Assessment of Insurers - SB 1: SFA(17) |
Association plan's 3rd party administrator, licensure - SB 1: HFA(12) |
Benefit plans, additional coverage - SB 1: HFA(4) |
Benefits, coordination of - SB 1: HFA(6) |
Comprehensive |
Conditions for individual reapplication for terminated insurance - SB 1: HFA(29) |
Conference committee report - SB 1: CCR |
Creation of program; supplement premium - SB 1: HFA(39) |
Define individuals eligible for participation in the high risk pool - SB 1: HFA(38) |
Delete second assessment against insurers - SB 1: SFA(15) |
Discontinuance notice; time increased - SB 1: HFA(7) |
Discrimination based on genetic information - SB 1: SFA(4) |
Establish lower rate factor ratio for certain individuals who are not Medicare eligible - SB 1: HFA(27) |
Free conference report to SB 1 - SB 1: FCCR |
Genetic test disclosure - SB 1: SFA(24) |
Group coverage, part-time employees - SB 1: SFA(9) |
Guarantee issue, small employers - SB 1: HFA(10),(49) |
Guaranteed |
Health |
High |
High-Cost Plan - SB 1: HFA(68) |
Individual |
Kentucky |
Ky |
Limit |
Limitation on administration costs, formula changed - SB 1: SFA(18) |
Low income persons, health benefit plan coverage - SB 1: HFA(62) |
Managed |
Modifications to benefits - SB 1: HFA(2) |
Money transfer; health plan fund - SB 1: HFA(40) |
Omnibus |
Part-time |
Patient protection act providers - SB 1: SFA(13) |
Premiums, savings from rebates - SB 1: HFA(42),(57) |
Prohibition against excluding part-time employees - SB 1: HFA(35) |
Provide for the sale of Medicare supplement policies - SB 1: HFA(26),(69),(70) |
Rate |
Rates, guaranteed loss ratio - SB 1: HFA(52) |
Require |
State |
Tax |
Technical changes - SB 1: HFA(58) |
Utilization |
Jefferson County Judge/Executive and Court Commissioners, urging - HR 17 |
Part-time employees, group health plan access - SB 1: HFA(59) |
Special session costs, appropriation for - HB 1 |
Employer-organized association health plan administrators - SB 1: HFA(12) |
Comprehensive health insurance plan - SB 1: HCS |
Health |
Appropriation to the state employee benefit fund - SB 1: HFA(36) |
Funds for program; generated from - SB 1: HFA(39) |
Kentucky Common Health Program fund, transfer to - HB 4 |
Money transfer; health plan fund - SB 1: HFA(40) |
Brien, William Joseph "Toad" - SR 24; HR 20 |
Creason, Coy - SR 25; HR 19 |
Freeman, Barry D., memorializing - SR 5 |
Gouge, Sandra F., memorializing - SR 23 |
Green, Jeff, memorializing - SR 6; HR 5 |
Hellard, Vic, Jr., memorializing - SR 11; HR 8 |
Johnson, Lyman T., memorializing - SR 19; HR 13 |
Lewis, Katy, memorializing - SR 22 |
McQueary, Reba, memorializing - SR 4 |
Morgan, Ethel, memorialize - SR 21 |
Smith, Orville William, memorializing - SR 17 |
Strong, Pearl, memorializing - SR 26 |
Health plans, pre-existing exemption exclusions - SB 1: HFA(5) |
Managed care, patient protection - SB 1: SFA(23) |
Patient protection act - SB 1: SFA(13) |
Premiums, savings from rebates - SB 1: HFA(42) |
Ky Kare Plan, rate freeze - SB 1: HFA(67) |
Patient protection act providers - SB 1: SFA(13) |
Health utilization review, made by a Ky. licensed physician - SB 1: SFA(16) |
Patient protection act providers - SB 1: SFA(13) |
HB 3 to SB 1 - SB 1: HFA(64) |
High-Risk Pool - SB 1: HFA(68) |
Patient protection act - SB 1: SFA(13),(23) |
Health benefit plan coverage - SB 1: HFA(62) |
Health |
Health insurance, guarantee issue - SB 1: HFA(10),(49) |
Department of Insurance; operate program - SB 1: HFA(39) |
Personnel Department, health insurance plans - HR 15 |
Allow the personnel commissioner to negotiate with health insurance companies - SB 1: HCS |
Employee benefit fund, appropriation from the lottery - SB 1: HFA(36) |
Health insurance plans, rates and enrollment - HR 15 |
Health |
Provide an income tax credit for insursance premium payments - SB 1: HFA(34) |
SB 1 - SB 1: HFA(44) |
SB1/SCS - SB 1: SFA(18) |
SB 1 - SB 1: HFA(32) |
Congress |
Global climate change, negotiations, urging - SR 13; HR 7 |
Health benefits, coordination of - SB 1: HFA(6)
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