98RS HB287


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HB 287 (BR 1374) - J. Arnold Jr., W. Allen, J. Bruce, P. Clark, D. Horlander, J. Lee, C. Walton

     AN ACT relating to administrative regulations.
     Amend various sections of KRS Chapter 13A to establish filing and format requirements for notices of intent and administrative regulations; amend KRS 13A.280 to require consideration of all oral or written comments received, whether at the public hearing or otherwise, and to establish standards for deferral of regulation not amended after hearing; amend KRS 13A.330 to require transmittal of subcommittee request for Governor's determination to regulations compiler, and to provide that deficient regulation shall not expire if a subcommittee removes its finding of deficiency prior to receipt of Governor's determination; amend various sections of KRS Chapter 13A to conform.


     HCS - Retain original provisions but reduce from 180 to 120 calendar days, rather than from 180 to 90 calendar days, the period for filing an administrative regulation following the date scheduled for a notice of intent public hearing.

     Jan 14-introduced in House
     Jan 15-to State Government (H)
     Jan 23-posted in committee
     Jan 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute
     Jan 28-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for January 29, 1998
     Jan 29-3rd reading, passed 92-1 with Committee Substitute; received in Senate
     Feb 2-to State and Local Government (S)
     Feb 19-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar
     Feb 20-2nd reading, to Rules
     Feb 23-posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for February 24, 1998
     Feb 24-3rd reading, passed 38-0
     Feb 25-received in House
     Feb 26-enrolled, signed by Speaker of the House
     Feb 27-enrolled, signed by President of the Senate; delivered to Governor
     Mar 11-signed by Governor

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