98RS HB619


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HB 619 (BR 2115) - S. Nunn

     AN ACT relating to public utilities.
     Create new section of KRS Chapter 278 to define affiliate; prohibit a utility from transferring revenues or goods or services derived from the rate regulated side of a gas or electric utility to subside or give advantage to an affiliate or an unregulated service of the gas or electric utility; prohibit the gas or electric utility from including costs derived from the non-regulated services in the charges or in the regulated rates of its utility services; require any public utility and its affiliates to provide the Public Service Commission with access to any books, records, or information to enforce the provisions of this Act; create a new section of KRS Chapter 278 to give the Public Service Commission jurisdiction over affiliates and the authority to promulgate administrative regulations necessary to the extent to ensure compliance with this Act.

     Feb 17-introduced in House
     Feb 18-to Tourism Development and Energy (H)

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