98RS HB902


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HB 902 (BR 2663) - K. Hogancamp

     AN ACT relating to academics in the public schools and declaring an emergency.
     Create a new section of KRS Chapter 158 to require the Kentucky Board of Education to establish a set of statewide academic standards and to adopt content guidelines that are tied to the academic standards and to be used for the development of curricula and statewide assessment; require that the academic standards and the content guidelines be grounded in the core academic disciplines of English, history, geography, civics, mathematics, science, fine arts, and foreign language; require that the academic standards and content guidelines include an emphasis on great achievements of western civilization, with special attention to American culture, politics, and people who have influenced history; amend KRS 158.6451 to require that a curriculum framework tied to Kentucky's goals for education, academic standards and content guidelines be distributed to local school districts and contain emphasis on specific academic areas; amend KRS 158.6453 to require that the student assessment program be tied to the goals and to meet the academic standards; require the Governor to appoint a task force to develop the academic standards by December 31, 1998; EMERGENCY.

     Mar 4-introduced in House
     Mar 5-to Education (H)

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