98RS SB375


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SB 375/FN (BR 411) - B. Bailey

     AN ACT relating to nonconventional medical treatment.
     Amend KRS 311.550 to define the terms "Complementary or nonconventional medical treatment" and "empirical"; amend KRS 311.591 to add to Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure hearing panels, one member who spends the majority of his or her time practicing medicine which is empirical; allow board members or board employees to file a grievance regarding personal treatment but recuse themselves from consideration or resolution of the grievance; require consultation with experts when any grievance involves issues of clinical practice; require consultation with experts dedicating a significant portion of their practice to the use of complementary or nonconventional medical treatment when any grievance involves complementary or nonconventional medical treatment; prohibit disclosure of patient record information to the physician licensure authority of another state or to any health care or mental health care facility without the specific written approval of the patient whose record is to be disclosed; amend KRS 311.595 to redefine "dishonorable, unethical, or unprofessional conduct of a character likely to deceive, defraud, or harm the public or any member thereof" to include a statement of a licensee which deceives or defrauds the public, instead of a statement of a licensee which has a tendency to deceive or defraud the public; prohibit construing as an act of unprofessional conduct a physician's use of any conventional or nonconventional medial care with a reasonable expectation of efficacy in the treatment of human conditions, ailments, diseases, injuries, or infirmities; amend KRS 311.605, relating to county board of health seizure of patient records for purpose of enforcement of the medical practice acts, to require any patient records taken to be sealed immediately without disclosure of content, until written permission is obtained from the patient or the patient's legal representative.

     Feb 27-introduced in Senate
     Mar 2-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

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