98RS SB386


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SB 386 (BR 1295) - J. Westwood, W. Blevins

     AN ACT relating to the establishment of a parenting plan for parenting functions and responsibilities.
     Create new sections of KRS Chapter 403 to follow existing custody, support, and visitation procedure but add temporary and permanent parenting plans which are submitted by each parent, working parenting responsibilities and access in the best interest of the child; provide for the use of dispute resolution process outside of the court; provide criteria for plan and provisions for modification; establish contempt of court as penalty for deliberately wasting court's time in the process; amend various other to KRS sections to conform.


     SCS - Amend KRS 403.270 to grant first consideration to joint custody and require that the court state why they denied joint custody; amend KRS 403.240 to require that a custody decree granting custody to one parent be modified not earlier than two years; create a Task Force on Parenting Functions and Access to Children.

     Mar 2-introduced in Senate
     Mar 3-to Judiciary (S)
     Mar 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar with Committee Substitute
     Mar 24-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for March 25, 1998
     Mar 25-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with Committee Substitute
     Mar 26-received in House; posting waived
     Mar 27-to Judiciary (H); posting withdrawn

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